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Everything posted by PortaJohn

  1. For future reference I know the Iron Sheik threatened to put Elon Musk in a camel clutch.
  2. 2012. Lizak beat Cenzo in the Quarters then Kemerer in the finals
  3. Nolf won it all at 103 States' his freshman year in PIAA. His only loss came to Ryan Diehl at 113 his sophomore year
  4. Irrationality was recruited over rationality when the mods allowed you on this forum
  5. What's everyone getting for Christmas?
  6. Mineo has a good track record when covering New Jersey wrestlers.
  7. You're new to this forum. Jimmy Cinnabon is a Parody Account. You never apply reason or logic to any of his threads. His threads are like The Onion. Reply accordingly.
  8. If Michael Beard can improve his gas tank he's a national contender. As for 197 it has maybe the most parity of all the weights this year. Dean could finish anywhere between 1st and 8th and it wouldn't be shocking. If they ran 197 10 times at NCAA's they could have 10 different champs
  9. Happy for Beard. As a fan it sucked that he left the PSU room. For Dean this can be a blessing in disguise. His strategy that got him through last year's wrestling season is biting him in the rear end this year. Early enough to regroup and reassess his approach
  10. Best thing to do at this point is to let it go...boy
  11. Real Woods joins the Hawks and turns douche. Classic
  12. I get my tomatoes from my garden or from a local produce store. But when I head to the Jersey Shore in the summer I make a point to stop at a local farmers stand and pick up some Jersey tomatoes. They definitely live up to the hype. When I'm in Montana and Wyoming I always make sure to order french fires because the potatoes are always fresh coming from right across the border. You should know what I'm talking about Idaho
  13. thin crust like NY except cheese first and tomato sauce in top. What makes it tasty is Jersey is known for having the best tomatoes. Which is true.
  14. With all your connections in Hollywood you'd think you'd be able to put a team together and run Flo's media department
  15. Must be exciting to be a jackrabbit fan these days. You guys have a gem of a coach in Hahn. Future looks bright for your team
  16. You can get a Trenton Pie pretty much anywhere in the tri state area
  17. You have to take the bet now Idaho
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