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Everything posted by PortaJohn

  1. Oklahoma State wrestling is stuck in Notre Dame football purgatory
  2. I understand. I come from a region where someone wins State's. The State's is possessive but others win State
  3. @Hammerlock3 I feel like I need to explain some of my modified terminology I developed throughout the years whizzer = wizard uchi mata = hoochie mama o-soto-gari = Assault Gary rear naked choke = rear naked clam jam and when done correctly high crotch = the triple decker pecker wrecker
  4. Most I know is Mitchell's dad was Keegan's coach at AWA so I'm sure they are very familiar with each other. Coach Messenbrink deserves a lot of credit for developing what is now known as "funk wrestling". One thing I love watching Mitchell do is letting opponents get in on a single leg and then working off his wizard. It's a real work of art.
  5. It was a decision between Haines or Messenbrink to 165. Messenbrink goes up because he's the bigger wrestler. He's not small for the weight, he won't be small for the weight, and this is just another dumb Cinnabon thread on a Penn State wrestler.
  6. He wrestled 74kg at U20s. Show me one match this year he's wrestled where he's been undersized.
  7. Dumb, he's literally the same size if not bigger than everyone he's wrestled this year. How many dumb threads are you going to finish off the year with?
  8. He graduated as a senior 2018. Spent a year as a post grad at the OTC before joining the Lions for the '19-20' season
  9. Honestly not going to even pretend like I know the answer to that hypothetical
  10. Would only be able to answer this if we know what weight class they would've wrestled their Freshman year and how realistically can we assume they could have beaten everyone in that years field. Take Uetake. Let's say he wrestled 130 his Freshman. We would have to assume he'd beat returning champ Senior Mickey Martin who was voted OW.
  11. What is the backstory of Mike Mal's departure from Flo? I really enjoyed his content. Also, Flo does a few things right and when they have someone like @Jon_Kozak come on this board to discuss his rankings we should encourage it and give Flo or at minimum Kozak props. That type of engagement is why @Husker_Du is celebrated by us cesspool wrestling fans
  12. I wish I could've experienced Abilene between 1867-71. Heard it was quite the party
  13. I admire the effort but for it to really work it needs to capture the essence of the man. Was @BobDole dull? A lot of voters thought so but many who knew him thought he was a real doll. Best way to figure it out is with an old fashioned poll. Something the Senator is very familiar with
  14. I think you missed the mark by not going with @BobDull hence not getting the reaction you were seeking. If you were really clever you could've done, "Is Bob Dull or a Real Doll?" Followed up with a poll.
  15. 32 career losses....All to All Americans? What would be the probability? I want to see a chart
  16. Maybe one day Kozak and Willam of Saylor can form an allegiance at the Rankings of Bannockburn
  17. I once heard in 5 minutes @Jon_Kozak ranked 50 International wrestlers. Fifty if it was one. One hundred college wrestlers with his laptop. Ranked through them like Moses through the Red Sea
  18. Kozak, kudos to you for coming on here and having an open dialogue. Truly, a man of the people. Hopefully this becomes a norm throughout the season.
  19. Remember, temper is the one thing you can't get rid of by losing it
  20. This could be a long list. Always shocked when I bring up names like Mark Lieberman, Travis Lee, Rick Bonomo, & the great TJ Jaworsky & I'm met with blank stares
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