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Everything posted by boconnell

  1. How would this increase scoring? It might encourage the winning wrestler to score more points in some situations, but it definitely encourages the losing wrestler to do nothing in all situations.
  2. Thanks for telling us how it is. That other guy was getting annoying with his facts.
  3. Who is cutting the big weight? Their guys are smaller than average and tons of them have moved up in weight class. From last year's postseason roster... Wittcraft was big. He dropped a weight to fill the roster. Fix is average size. Young is very small. Voinovich definitely wasn't big. Gfellar was up multiple weights over his career and was a small 157. Sheets was up a weight last year and wasn't big at 165. Plott was average sized. Wittlake jumped two weights and was tiny at 184. Surber was a full sized 197. Doucet wasn't cutting like most heavyweights. I see one guy who cut significant weight and a bunch of guys who were small for their weight. What am I missing that you see?
  4. I love this one. Aside from Marstellar trying to make the team, this is a decade(s) old thing. In recent years they've absolutely been smaller than their opponents, and they've had tons of guys go up in weight. I think Oliver's sucked out junior year was the end of them cutting huge weight for the sake of it.
  5. Plainview. I lived in the panhandle briefly, so I should have known the difference.
  6. They've been going to Kearney, Nebraska and Edmund, Oklahoma and Longview, Texas and other places like that for a long time. Texas kids don't get much choice if they want to wrestle at the next level. I don't think they'll be very good, but an inability to attract Texas kids won't be a negative for them.
  7. I moved to the Seattle area in June and I've been told the east half of the state has sun. I have yet to confirm it.
  8. So are we talking about how old he will be on the wrestling mat or in the chemistry lab?
  9. I'm glad nobody who decides cares what you think.
  10. He's really good. He's better than the big names they put in the booth. I think ESPN would be smart to build their broadcast team around him.
  11. You can make an argument for him, but I think you're going way to far suggesting that you have to give it to him. Carr is as good a choice as any (if not better).
  12. There is no good way to conduct matside interviews. So I blame the broadcast company that insists on them, not the guy conducting them.
  13. He'd be my top choice for next head coach at OSU. He's probably my favorite Cowboy.
  14. Burroughs arguing that Carr's back broke 90 on a tilt. He hasn't been very good on the announcing tonight. I'd much prefer Harrison in the booth.
  15. Brutal. Absolutely brutal. How do you cut away from a close match to show a guy walking?
  16. From the best to worst guy on the OSU roster none of them can finish a TD. They all get to the leg and none of them can finish. Fix got in deep and it ended in a Vito TD.
  17. I agree. The way O'Toole destroys everyone not named Carr says a ton to me. And for Carr to beat him 3 times would do it.
  18. Burroughs has to be better if they're going to put him announcing this semifinals spot. He just called Ramos foolish for choosing bottom when Lee chose top.
  19. Lots of guys are much 'luckier' but simply don't take advantage of the opportunities. I thought he got some beneficial reffing against Andonian, but he took that crack in the door and kicked it in and dominated the next 5 minutes. Good for him.
  20. Oklahoma State with a pathetic showing. Witcraft, Young, Voinovich, Gfeller, Sheets, Wittlake, Surber, and Doucette combined for 5 points. That's 8 wrestlers and 5 points. All 8 are eliminated. I wonder if any team has ever had 8 guys eliminated in the first 3 sessions. I wonder if this will be the lowest team score by a team that brought 10. Plott is in the round of 12 tonight after getting pinned in the quarters in the first period by a cow catcher. Fix is in the semis. Sad ending for John Smith, but I think it's probably time for a change.
  21. Seeded guys already get their earned advantage on the top side. I wouldn't be in favor of them getting more than that.
  22. Ramirez just held on for a 17-15 win over Braunegel. Wild match where both guys gassed at different points.
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