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Everything posted by BobDole

  1. BobDole

    Jeremy Ginter

    Toledo Whitmer
  2. We really need to stop letting the people vote on things.... what next?
  3. BobDole

    Mack Mauger

  4. BobDole

    Sawyer Bartelt

    South Dade
  5. BobDole

    Isaiah Quintero

    El Dorado
  6. BobDole

    Tyson Charmoli

    St. Francis
  7. BobDole

    Brock Mantanona

    Palm Desert
  8. BobDole

    Parker Ferrell

  9. BobDole

    Logan Swensen

  10. He can't, it's in the NIL deal Cenzo signed.
  11. BobDole

    Shawn Taylor

    West Allegheny
  12. Unless you are working in a specific field of needing to know things on this test it is likely even the ones that were taking it would not retain the information for a long time. Do you really think grandma can recite the 9 rules of using a capital letter 40 year later? Things like this are worthless as most of us have not retained knowledge from our high school days that we aren't using on a regular basis. I'm pretty positive most of us would struggle at world geography if presented with a test without any preparation. I'm sure in my bitchy English teacher asked me about random writing rules right now I would be lucky to get 50%. It is funny how some of you fall for this crap all the time without using your brain at all, but just following what your dear leader tells you.
  13. I'll triple confirm it was JTTS on the old old old old board.
  14. Now we want the left wing nut job teachers to indoctrinate the kids with their financial opinions? Wow! You sure are putting a lot on the teacher that you don't even trust with choosing appropriate books.
  15. Biden can barely speak a coherent sentence, but can sure organize a crime ring without being busted. Gotta love the guy.
  16. The best way to prove it is to run some tournaments/duals with mat-side weigh-ins. There is no rule that you can't do that to show how great(or bad) matside weigh-ins are.
  17. Perhaps you should leave this topic. It is simply surprising someone that clamors about age of consent on other forums defends rapists. You are not a lawyer, nor a judge so your fantasy scenarios here are purely made up in your own fantasy world.
  18. To show off his "power" and bring attention to himself. The Freedom Caucus is all about being loud and being in front of the camera. They really don't do much other than want attention on them.
  19. I would put more odds on McCarthy getting his old job back than the other list of candidates.
  20. BobDole


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