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  1. if it's a book about wrestling coloring is fine - but please make sure it's not scratch and sniff!
  2. if it happens in football... https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/other/he-was-the-13-million-qb-recruit-now-he-s-suing-the-boosters-who-never-paid-up/ar-BB1mMSgN?ocid=msedgntp&pc=HCTS&cvid=f6213cfa3f964d41acbaa33f3e6f13af&ei=6 He Was the $13 Million QB Recruit. Now He’s Suing the Boosters Who Never Paid Up. (msn.com)
  3. I almost read that as Joy Division (cue Ian Curtis or New Order).
  4. Sanderson has an Olympic Gold and World Silver Zeke Jones has Olympic Silver and World Gold & Bronze Jake Varner has Olympic Gold and World Bronze
  5. Yianni D has gone on record stating he wants to run a (college) program.
  6. DT beats Dake in another (fantasy) match up, this one as the best wrestler of his generation.
  7. Derek Moore wrestled for Lenny Zalesky at UC Davis
  8. It would be funny if Cael brought in Coleman Scott for a year or two.
  9. If you've never pushed someone, retaliated or almost got in a fight while wrestling a match, I have to wonder if you ever wrestled. Booing is one thing. What that dude wearing the NLWC gear yelled at JB was classless loser level $hit. Unless he was the father of Facundo, Mesenbrink or Nolf, he should have kept his ass on his hands and stayed in his seat (and Facundo, Mes and Nolf's fathers have all seen enough wrestling that they wouldn't have done what that d!ck did).
  10. 5 Hodge Trophy winners: Lee Retherford Dake Brooks Parris * 2 of them won it twice, Retherford and Lee Snyder wasn't awarded a Hodge, but did win a Senior Freestyle World Championship while in college Other than Parris, the other 5 OTT winners have at least 3 NCAA titles each, with Dake and Brooks 4 timers. Retherford and Brooks college teams won 7 NCAA Championships, Snyder's 1 and Lee's 1. ** Interesting item is that in three of the OTT finals, the wrestlers competing were alumni of the same universities: SLee/Gilman, Retherford/NLee and Brooks/Taylor.
  11. Apparently, they were doing a pre-cert in early October and the information was somehow sent to the NCAA, so it became official. Affected most of the light and middle-weights up to Walsh.
  12. and Joe Duca. If IU didn't have the weight cert issue in 2014-15, Duca could have done much better than what he finished with.
  13. JW - Thanks for the addition/reminder. Great error on my part. I'd forgotten Bobby Douglas had wrestled at OSU. Which closes the circle (his ASU outlier team from 1988), as those are the coaches that have won NCAA championships from Gable's 1st one at Iowa through this most recent one that Sanderson has with Penn State.
  14. and Zalesky for the B1G coaches with NC teams (oversight)...
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