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Everything posted by TBar1977

  1. The penn state wrestling room is first and foremost a place of god(they're purging the undesirable elements deep into the midwest), and second and secondmost a place of fun. Kueter is certinaly a generational talent and will radically inflate the reputation of any program he's associated with, but he's a dodgeball liability and doesn't know his way around a bouncy castle. We'll take a Nevills before him!
  2. I'm still here in spirit! just realized the time i spent posting was better used appreciating Hammerlock's posts!
  3. handsome people like HL3 don't need to worry about spelling
  4. i realized how lame that was about the time I realized that I was a petty little person on the wrong side of every issue, and I should spend a lot more time carefully reading and digesting the thoughtful opinions of hammerlock3. I just didn't want to wake up one morning and find out I'm a bozo like this JimmyBT character!
  5. No i've seen the light. My assinine partisan hackery, which was punctuated by what I now admit is a grotesque ignorance of wrestling, is gone for good.
  6. Given how accessible film is these days, imagine how successful Gable would have been in an era where he could have been cherry picking the best talent from all over the country? The numbers he put up with Iowa guys were incredible imagine if he had the recruiting advantages Cael does!
  7. Got to say in fairness, my nittany lions backups never look very good either.
  8. I hate to say it but that brands have done a great job with Warner! I don't think another program could have done so much with such a modest athlete!
  9. https://www.hawkcentral.com/story/sports/college/iowa/wrestling/2021/10/09/southeast-polk-wrestler-nate-jesuroga-commits-iowa-hawkeye-wrestling-iowa-high-school-wrestling-rams/6072903001/ I have to admit the Brands' are killing it on the recruiting trail these days! Lightweight U just keeps rolling.
  10. One of these days Cael's inability to get a 125lbers to NCAAs is gonna turn around and bite him. THERE ARE TEN WEIGHTS GUYS!
  11. Hammerlock3 was right! Hamiti should have stayed in the locker room!
  12. Facundo is gonna be a 4 timer. I heard Cael is showing him the ankle pick.
  13. People forget Mark Hall was close to having a pretty amazing streak himself.
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