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College Redshirt (9/14)

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  1. The goal of his gofundme is $15,000. I guess he could be asking for help covering only a portion of their expenses, and he's footing the rest. But if someone wants to send their 8th cousin thrice removed, then GTFO.
  2. I mean, I guess. I don't see a demonstration of need from a guy who was talking about how much money it was going to take to get him to come back for his final season and who signed a NIL deal with an MMA manager for an undisclosed amount. Is he burning through his money? Not willing to pay for his family if they can't afford it? Simply taking advantage of the gofundanything world live in to save himself 15 grand? Even the health/injury ones can be questionable. They pop up the day something happens from a friend close to the family for a random amount with no details on how much is actually needed. I'd like to think it all goes to the stated cause/need, but my skeptical nature won't allow it. Gofundme is the modern-day Nigerian prince email.
  3. I don't care about the country stuff. But I have a general distaste for gofundmes. I don't know RBY's family's financial situation, but wasn't he bragging about a big NIL deal a few years ago? Is he out of money, or is this just a good opportunity to take advantage of people's generous nature?
  4. These guys had a legitimate shot, but it seems most of the guys take an ORS just to get another year of training while preserving a year of eligibility.
  5. To be fair, the first time it was used against me was in folkstyle (although by a Cadet freestyle national champ). I was not aware that my foot could get that close to my head.....
  6. Yeah, I learned it as a freestyle move. You can actually roll it through for multiple exposures the way you would a gut or lace. You don't see it that much internationally, though.
  7. Starocci also made a pretty snarky and disrespectful tweet when Taylor left. I know he's a weird dude, but that's not something you do if you look up to the dude.
  8. Yeah, those are insanely difficult. I can do 15-20 perfect form, full ROM pullups, but can't even budge a one arm pullup. Some top climbers seem to do them with ease. Having low body weight and really high grip and pulling strength are necessary.
  9. Some folks seem to be worried by Lee's match against Zou, but there are a lot of positives to take away from that and perhaps better for him than easily teching his way through the tournament. He was getting worked early and was able to adjust mid-match to take the lead. And despite obviously being gassed, he wrestled smart and held on through the final flurry. He also has the best transitions to turns we have seen from a US wrestler in a very long time. I'm so used to watching our guys not even make half assed attempts to turn, and Lee is locking up leg laces and trap arm guts before his opponents even hit the mat. His ability to end matches quickly is a huge asset. If he can continue to improve his cardio and not get injured during training, he is absolutely a gold medal threat.
  10. Not so much Cael's silence as much as Taylor not saying Cael was encouraging him to take the job if he had aspirations to be a college head coach. Taylor could, of course, just be keeping details to himself. Is it concerning at all that it seems like a number of the PSU wrestlers don't seem to like him? You'd think he'd be a mentor and someone they look up to, even if some of them would have compete against him.
  11. Zain needs help from Ochir and then would have to run a gauntlet tomorrow. It's not looking great.
  12. I was impressed. Never really been a big fan, but his speech and answers sounded unscripted and honest. He didn't say much about conversations with Cael. I'm sure Cael is happy for him, but it doesn't seem like he was encouraging Taylor to take the job. When you look at college and pro football, the top coaches seem really supportive of their assistants getting head coaching opportunities. You'd think Cael would want to create a successful coaching tree, and there is not a better landing spot for Taylor. But maybe he's not interested in true competition and wants to continue hoarding the best coaches and wrestlers (I could be interpreting this all wrong). Even as a Mizzou fan, this is exciting for college wrestling.
  13. In his press conference, he said he and Gilman just finished their "competition careers".
  14. I mean, he's boring as hell, but he has been on the world team and brought home hardware, so your statement is incorrect. I'm sure he'll wrestle 61kg the next few years, which suits him much better. But I agree a dose of Taylor could certainly be a good thing, although he's unlikely to change much at this point. If Gilman comes in and is planning on continuing his senior level career, it's hard to imagine Fix staying put.
  15. For our cowboy fan friends, I hope this doesn't end in the same disappointment you had when you realized all the pages were stuck together.
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