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  1. Tyler McCormick (2xAA) was a master heckler after graduating. He earned many dirty looks from many coaches, John Smith chief among them. Guerrero was like taking candy from a baby. The Mizzou crowd loved it.
  2. Rest assured, Smith does NO ONE wrong. Not the kid who cuts his grass, not his assistants, and certainly not his wrestlers. He has earned his rep as above reproach. I trust his judgment. I think it’s similar, albeit not identical, to the Ellis/Bradley situation in 2009. Ellis/Hawks was the established guy with great potential, while Bradley/Whiting was the hotshot recruit. Smith took some crap for not starting Bradley as a Frosh, but Ellis went on to a title that year. Pritts was not shy about his preference for Bradley and left for ASU soon thereafter. Bradley obviously holds no ill will about the situation as he’s currently on staff.
  3. Maybe he’s keeping his options open for next year, but wants no part of O’Toole at 174?
  4. Elbow dislocations are the worst, imo. As a youth, maybe 8th grade, a kid I remember a teammate laying on his back and his elbow was a 90 degree angle the wrong way, sticking up from the mat. I mostly remember him screaming for his mommy. Gruesome for sure.
  5. I don’t always give all glory to god, but when I do….never mind, I always do it.
  6. I gotta say, I’m surprised by all the love for Buchanan. Elam beat him in their most recent match up, and he clearly was hampered by undisclosed injuries all year. If Rocky is healthy, he’s your champ.
  7. From what I understand, coaches at non-ivy schools tend to recruit top guys who are also top students, and then grease the non-athletic scholarship decision makers so that most, if not all, expenses get covered with as little money from the 9.9 as possible. It is exceedingly rare for a recruit to get over 60% from the purely athletic scholly side. So I imagine ivy schools get most kids academic aid that would equal or even exceed anything anyone else is willing to give them athletically. The end result is if you’re a blue chipper, you’re getting a full ride (or close) no matter what school you choose.
  8. I say let Bono stick around a few more years, let him show the ropes to Parker Keckheisen, then give PK the reigns. If he coaches like he wrestles, constant offense, rock solid positioning, stand out conditioning, etc. AWA connections and Schwab-induced intensity seems like an outstanding potential combination.
  9. Does anyone know if APR is still a thing? Unlimited transfers would seem like that stat is rendered useless. If not, the poor have nots getting poached get dinged for APR AND lose a top athlete to boot. What’s the story?
  10. I think Sinclair is upstairs lifting, or downstairs drilling, I can’t ever remember which.
  11. Was it just me, or did it seem like ESPN cut the budget a bit this year? I felt numerous times that it was really odd to not have replay capability or apparently a producer assigned to each mat. And in the past it seemed like if your mat was empty, they would show a different mat or at least the Matcast view, vs just a graphic of the team scores. There are commentators on every mat for those in the arena, correct? Why can’t ESPN at least use them? Replays for challenges/scoring sequences, etc.
  12. I know no one gives Elam a snowballs chance, but he’s got the defense and body type that I hope can make it a match. He hasn’t been taken down yet. He seems to be wrestling well, so we’ll see.
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