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Everything posted by MushroomKing

  1. I had the pleasure to sit next to a very big Greco Roman star* on a southwest flight…he just sort of sat next to me. i couldn’t help myself and barraged him with fangirl questions for the next 2 hours. he was patient and answered quite a few questions but fell asleep around hour 2. question: -what is your normal reaction to sitting next to a star, say David Taylor, rulan,JB - do the biggest stars in our sport take commercial flights? questions that I still have after sitting next to the star. -Why don’t more NCAA champs go into Greco? It seems like it’s America’s international JV team. Is that fair? -Do Greco athletes get paid to train? How much? -Does the military have freestyle teams? Or just Greco ?
  2. Not ASU. They never have anyone in the finals lol
  3. So if I wrestled 3 years NCWA waited 10 years and went back to college and walked on a NCAA program would I be able to?
  4. But he wrestled 6 seasons so how’s that work?
  5. Could someone wrestle 4 years NCWA, go ncaa, take a red shirt , covid year , gray shirt , injury year and then compete 4 years NCAA have wrestled a combined 12 years in college? Lol
  6. Does NCWA (club wrestling) count towards eligibility years? ryan Deihl wrestled 2 years in NCWA, including the post season (2x champ) then he wrestled 4 years at Maryland. So he had a total of 6 years of competition. Is that allowed ? Could he have done 4 years NCWA then wreslted 4 years of ncaa? does NCWA just not matter?
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