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  1. He is tough but wrestles kind of wild in folk…lots of scrambles that would be points against in free…would really have to develop a different approach here…old dogs new tricks skepticism but will be interested as well
  2. if i recall correctly he was also one of the great lacrosse players of his era
  3. well played..didn’t know where you were headed and wham! got a good chuckle out of that one.
  4. my argument all along has been that because there are so few weights, they should be moved to spots between the existing non oly year weights…it gives you deeper weight classes when everyone is forced to go up or down
  5. And I would think DT has had him in the room at M2 and seen him work with the kids who go there. Not just pulling straws…he must like his style. And he has been the most consistent lightweight in the country for the last bunch of years.
  6. Great observation…he saw PA kids outperforming all over the country yet their flagship university wasn’t getting them…makes a lot of sense and speaks to Cael’s acumen…I have always liked how he gets the most out of his kids…John Smith in recent years, not so much.
  7. Are you from there? Just curious as you are really fired up.
  8. Maybe he is doing just that…I feel really bad for him but these are very strange times…I don’t think Israel is trying to make a statement by holding an American athlete out of a Last Chance qualifier…were I to guess, it is part of a broader security program designed to protect both the athletes and the detail assigned to guard them…I like your moxie though
  9. he beat Montell Marion of iowa for his first title…he rode the Tank like a rented mule for his second.
  10. exactly…especially when the up and comer has wrestled with the vet time and again…It will be interesting to see how he makes out against the rest at the olys…familiarity wIth his opponent played in how much in this one? aaron is definitely tough but has he wrestled the other contenders before? tape only helps so much.
  11. I don’t have any issue with returning medalists getting deference. I do have an issue with the lack of logic in creating a structure where all the other competitors are not wrestling their quarters in the same session. You do see how that is a disadvantage to the four guys involved relative to their peers who were also going through challenge tourney from the beginning no?
  12. Did the 4 seed in the top of the bracket win one?
  13. I asked this on the Session 1 thread but why are Mendez wrestling their quarterfinal match tonight rather than in the previous session when all the others were. Are there any other weight classes here that is happening? Seems unbelievably to whoever wins that match.
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