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Everything posted by alliseeisgold

  1. He gave cael the same amount of time as Jeff Jordan. LOL. Taylor is here to kick caels ass now. No time for sucking up . Taylor has an edge and I like it
  2. I believe burroughs dake....most of Taylor contemporaries ....but especially a guy like jb Are thinking damn.....what great timing by Taylor This was truly a great great move by Taylor.....and impeccable timing...and his contemporaries are jealous imo Ok state and Iowa and Penn state post cal......those are the only blue bloods. This job hasn't been open for 30 friggin years LOL Taylor said it best...I've accomplished all my dreams wrestling ..it was time for a new challenge. ....im not sure Taylor gets into head coaching if a blue blood didn't open up either
  3. Taylor needs to bring dieringer back Getting dake is a check mate type move
  4. I thought Taylor showed depth I didn't think he had The moment of him really leaning into smith and thanking him was a great moment. As well as mentioning Jeff Jordan.
  5. Dresser dressing that place up Dresser and Tom Ryan are better businessmen that tacticians ....this will be dressers legacy. Wake me up when he wins a team title
  6. No thread on the presser ? How is that possible Let me say you just *don't always quite know* if a guy who hasn't been a head coach has *it* until hes that guy DT in athlete interviews never screamed coach .........but let me tell you.....the presser Mic was different then his athlete mic This dude is a coach and has it. Born for it. He had some charisma .....in spades more then cael DT never seemed like a great talker .....today he did.....he has the vibrancy the energy the want to.....AND the living room and donor ability ....I had no idea about those 2 The way he is picking up Gilman and Kennedy and praising them is a nice touch....I am also seeing leadership Even the great John smith came away with a whole new impression post preseer
  7. Wouldn't be shocked for a one off on a big event .... In fact prbly likely for a worlds. He will be active in the room. Just last week Taylor said he wouldn't coach anywhere but Penn state. His word has little stock
  8. Taylor kind of brought the golden age of wrestling. Dake cox jb it's sad watching them all end their career. Taylor is the most unlikeable or the bunch. The way he handled the cox defeat was disgusting. ....some people think he's kind of a dick I hear. Only cares about Taylor etc. He doesn't associate with his high school or Jordans anymore. Alot of great act this way ...but you don't sense it among jb cox etc and the other superstars. Snyder maybe more aligned with Taylor in this regard then others. At end of day he just can't beat great defense. As far as goat status the dake cox and brooks matches should be noted for how his style can absolutely be throttled and in the end is a level below the dakes and jbs for me in the pecking order (if dake secures a gold in Paris )
  9. Greco is the best reason to have wrestling in the Olympics. Mans oldest sport. Is Greco. It has an honorary exemption status forever. And is carrying freestyle on its backs. Without that history....wrestling would be excluded
  10. Is this the guy that murdered nickall and beat Snyder
  11. He really doesn't dominate the way you would expect a stud to do dominate with big margins Stieber felt alot more dominant in high school.....and I believe had a better win vs a college guy Maybe he is more Kyle dake and it actually translates better than some of these studs that flameout Would of liked to of seen him against a more prolific offensive style then suriano and see how that match goes
  12. Messenbrink was driving into jbs ankles after whistle was blown and off matt..... dirty Wrestling needs to implement NFL style officiating for after whistle is blown Interesting storroci said he would spit in jbs face if he did that.....talk about classless. And then went on to say messenbrink isn't a tough guy ....because if he was tough jb wouldn't of even attempted it and he would never against real tough guys like him and brooks. .....and also maybe nickall even....because he is kind tough but not as tough as storroci and brooks Then said jb walks around like he's king Kong
  13. Ferrari got bood too.....that's what happens when you push someone. Jbs was actually much harder then Ferrari. Ferraris was commonplace and would be unnoticed if the opponent didn't get up and run at him. Messenbrink would of not done shit to Ferraris push. Normal proceedings
  14. Yep never heard Gilman say before no matter what happens win or lose it's been a good ride Same with yianni ...yianni lost the fire
  15. When I compare messenbrink to nolf or zain in college since he gets that kind of hype..they were so much better on top....so much stronger....so much more fundamental....so much better defense....beat and dominated much more upper level competition
  16. Carr was up like 8 to 1 and mm scored on stall calls Wake me up when mm wrestled dudes like Isiah Martinez or kremerer or even guys like Micah Jordan in college Messenbrink is a level below the top top tier in college imo and keeps being put there. He is a clear level below Carr and otoole. You can't win in senior level with no defense. That's been proven over and over. I'm the guy who said mm would be destroyed before the burroughs match when everyone else said it would be close.
  17. Alliseeisgold is great branding...great marketing ...but it's not a true nickname. Nobody comes up and says "hey alliseeisgold'....but they do come up to marinelli and say hey bull Kind of like the truth for Paul Pierce. Diesel for shaq. Air Downey would have a case in this discussion. Magicman and alliseeisgold....not as diverse and as useable as the bull.
  18. Hard disagree.....Taylor looked flat and ready to retire against dake and jden cox back in the day.....it's just how he looks when he faces a wrestler who is elite defensively That is Taylor's crypnonite and why he isn't the goat. Some stylistic matchups just make his offense go cold. Taylor is still our best rep for Olympics ( he performs better internationally) and is still at top of his game. ........ Does anyone think brooks went to cael and asked him the secrets to stop Taylor ? And would cael give them away ?
  19. Best nickname in wrestling ever ?
  20. Mesenbrink will never amount to anything on the senior circuit. He beat some guys named Jacques and locket. Never heard of them. David carr dominated him. Outside of that he didn't face legit top shelf talent all year. His style against burroughs was laughable. I just honestly believe this guy being compared to nolf etc has been overblown. He hasn't faced the same guys they did in college.
  21. Blades and brooks would be a good pairing for the future talent of usa wrestling
  22. Honestly......jb looked so much better then his Olympic loss to guidev. Jb was trying like hell to score and being aggressive. Nolf is just that good
  23. Whoever loses the nolf dake match will be the best guy not on the Olympic team. Unquestionably Nolfs been coming.
  24. What the hell did jb do differently then Ferrari ?? Oh yea....only difference is mesenbrink didn't jump up and make a big deal of it
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