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  1. Jared Simma just made the blood round and had Shane Griffith on the ropes in the quarters. I'd imagine he'll be 174 no?
  2. It was a joke about him transferring many times.
  3. They have Canon Acklin coming in too in Class of 2024. 4x OK 5A State Champ, 2x Super 32 Blood Round, NHSCA AA. He's a 125/133 early on and will likely grow into 133/141 later in his career.
  4. 2023 U20 World Team Trials Runner-Up to Bouzakis. Beat Aden Valencia in challenge tourney finals.
  5. 99% sure he beat Nasir Bailey at 2023 U20 Trials.
  6. I think the term 'killer' is different for each of these elite level winners. Cael Sanderson probably approached training different than Brands bros did. Both ultra successful, but different. But the similarity is that they both go ALL-IN on their method of training. You can't be ultra successful if you're not ALL-IN.
  7. Gotcha. Misunderstood your OP. I agree the portal dates a screwed up.
  8. I understand all of that. I was just pointing out the rate of improvement comparative to someone who's been in an elite training room.
  9. To an extent. A few years ago he had teched Nick Lee in FS. Fast forward to now, Nick Lee just beat him at OTT. So has he progressed, yes of course. But maybe not at the same rate as someone in an elite training room.
  10. Isn't that a possibility at every school, regardless of if they get a new coach or not? Unless you win the national title, there's always a chance your coaching staff will recruit over you (whether that means stud high school kids or transfer portal). It's part of the game. It's the coaches job to win, literally. If you don't do that, they'll find someone who will.
  11. Yea, I don't think he can transfer out right? The window has already close I believe.
  12. Pretty sure he beat Nasir Bailey last year at U20 trials. Different style, yes and over a year ago. But Nasir is a title contender in 2025. Take that for what it's worth.
  13. Anyone that wins at the level Gable, Cael, JWS, DT, Dake, JB, Big Bruce, etc. is an ultra-competitive killer that will do anything (within the rules) to win.
  14. I guess you missed @Gus's post half an hour before yours...
  15. Claiming a 4x World/Olympic Champ (and beat an all-timer in Yazdani to win every title) is not a killer is a wild take.
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