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Daddy Dave

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Everything posted by Daddy Dave

  1. I was in the arena and it was one of the most embarrassing fan reactions I have ever seen. To turn on someone who has been such a great ambassador for your sport and boo them like that was just horrible Kinda like PDiddy huh? wrong is wrong and he acted like a baby. Jb wrestles as dirty as anyone then cried when....Oh ya, Nolf got him.
  2. There's only 1 way a hs sophomore beats up a man like that, strength. And no kid that age that hasn't caught up to his growth spirt is that strong. Ash is no scrub but a man should have the overwhelming strength advantage to stop a kid who's quicker . At 25 I would mop the floor w any 16 yr old- unless he was chemically stronger.
  3. So if he is able to cut the weight better than Vito he may be able to challenge Spencer for the spot this year. I personally want Vito to look like Vito because I think that means we have a gold medal but whoever comes out of that gauntlet we should feel very good about. Totally Disagree. No matter how great his cut is, he doesn't have a prayer against Spencer even as Lee is not 100%. Fix couldn't get his offense in 4 finals against "lesser" opponents and Lee is gonna be all offense. 1 td and the match is over. There's something said for being a champion at this level-they just have another gear-look at the titles now by our leaders 3-4xers. Vito is a different story. I believe he's been preparing for the cut for awhile and with his pops experience he will come in ready-he's not a beginner w/o world level experience. Spencer gets the 1st td it could be over in 30. If he doesn't and it goes to the 2nd, the knee and his wind will be his demise.
  4. Gomez can come back again next year for North Carolina and try to beat a 19 yr old. New rules for poor old guys.
  5. Lol. I guess a guy can find positive even in a pile of junk5. DC is a total distraction that just loves to hear his own voice. That Jon Jones shin gave him CTE that's still showing in his little kid commentary.
  6. Ya great job Gomez. Lol. It only took 7 years of advantages to get there. Maybe JB can go back to college and get that covid year so we can cheer him on. Fully grown man muscle against kids. Gotta b proud.
  7. Cormier sux. He makes shit up and flips flops all the time in ufc now here. JB is solid and professional. Dc likes to argue and talk over everybody.Terrible. JB is the expert at wrestling.he makes up what people's thoughts are as if he's in their mind then the opposite happens. Being fat and laughing at your own dumb jokes doesn't make you funny.
  8. Posted Wednesday at 12:59 PM Had Covid not happened, it is was highly likely that Spencer Lee would have won a national title in 2020. There is little debate about that. He was most dominate during the 2019 - 2020 season. It is also likely that it would have been Spenser Lee representing the US in the Olympics in 2020, again had Covid not happened. In 2021, Lee tore a his ACL on his good knee, therefore compromising what he was able to do on the wrestling mat. Ultimately, he had surgery to repair both knees forcing him to sit out nearly all of the 2021 - 2022 season, and some of the 2022 - 2023 season. Anyone that has ever wrestled, can appreciate how difficult it must have been for Lee. As good as he was, it's very difficult to return in that time frame to 100%. The Spencer Lee that wrestled at nationals in 2023, was not the same guy that was dominating his weight in 2020. I don't think many would debate that. Lee got what he earned, you're only wishing he had 4. When he won in covid year it was a very weak field including the finals match so there's his gift. Karma. The 2 other best guys in the weight weren't able to wrestle because the EIWA sat out. Glory and Vito. So he got lucky that year. Glory would have put a beating on that bad knee, and he never showed fear wrestling him like most other guys that went into the match defeated. If my uncle had tittles he'd my aunt.
  9. Strange how some break balls because a guy expresses his faith, while they praise cheats. Changes in facial structures with the Tom Platz jawline is a dead giveaway, just look at the women in Crossfit. Todays messed up world.
  10. It did for Micic and Rivera… Sort of, but I was referring to the Olympics. Not Positive, but I recall Riveras half being very weak and with a bye or two? And Micic won't be weighing in his bedroom this time- so we shall c how Paris works out. I stand by no medals for the recent transients.
  11. The point of wrestlers jumping ship is moot. If they really thought they could win Gold they would have stayed in the US to do it, but in each case we know there is that guy or guys, who made their odds very low. Doing it for grandpa was an afterthought. 57 and 65 haven't been very kind to the US, changing singlets won't win you a medal. Beyond the US there is a lineup of killers waiting in the wings. My bet is no medals in those singlets, it's about winning.
  12. w/o the continuing abnormal growth spurt, someone wouldn't even be the topic of conversation. test em
  13. yes. Improving isn't just about placement. The excitement of being at "Iowa" carried him thru last year, honeymoons over. He did get handled by a true freshman,maybe it doesn't happen again but his confidence doesn't look the same.
  14. Thumper is on it,guys just don't improve. Woods is all defense now-watch how he attacked Pletcher in his freshman year. The Pa 5 that recently led the lineup were always good-they just never got over the hump and got better. I surely don't think Lee improved-always a beast-but Iowa took his dump away after the Freshman year, which was IMO his most impressive because of the talent he beat. After that year the accolades of his competition was avg. Kemdog eh,ya he got bigger. Punxsutawney Caleb may be the overachiever. As injured as Lee always was, and to somehow get him injured in practice again probably wrestling guys 3 weights up was ridiculous.
  15. ya he's like 26-he should beat the guys left. He'll peter out as he always does. Exciting but not fundamentally great.
  16. I know a lot of these guys probably spent time at more than 1 club. Cenzo being one of them. I will always consider him one of Abe's guys at Pitbull though. I know he wrestled there through youth and into high school. Then went to Central Catholic where Abe was head coach. Another one of Abe's guys Nino claimed a title last year. and especially Coach Waller at All-American, who doesn't get much credit for the success of these guys. His room was filled with studs where he ground the toughness into anyone that entered...or they never came back. Most of these guys were winning at the highest age levels already before they got to Young Guns. Maybe the personality change is what they were after but the pure wrestling base was instilled at All-American(and yes Pitbull). The WPIAL used to dominate Powerade against the other best schools from around the country with multiple champs each year. WPIAL I believe only produced 1 champ this year,sad. Coach Waller is still a beast without the bling.
  17. PED use is rampant in hs and college. Also the use of adhd meds to cut weight and calm the nerves for those who can't do it themselves. Seen kids who had regular childish outbursts while on the mat go to zombies with zero expression while they were in the midst of a grind. Robot like faces with no emotion. 2 practices a day(hs and club) compete on the weekends, workout,cut weight, thousands of hours of abuse on the body and...never a single injury. Not natural. Would like to see the health results of the SynthGH users 10-15 years down the road. Parents that give their kids this junk should be jailed. Once ur a man it then becomes ur own choice to use.
  18. "Considering that being a high school stud now gets you PAID, has High School now become what college used to be, and youth levels what high school used to be?" HS has actually been that way for a while. The use of Synthetic Growth Hormone is the not so new choice for parents looking for that edge for their lil champions. You can see it with some kids who look as though they had the dwarf characteristics and all of a sudden their light heavies-they have gas tanks forever, never get injured...They are healing before they leave the practice room and the amount of confidence that would give someone has a tremendous affect on their performance. People talk and birds of a feather flock together. Our Dr didn't name names but told me he was approached by several wrestling parents begging for the scrip-after sucking weight and starving them. The only way to know for sure is to test, and the NCAA is way behind...or probably just doesn't care. Sad though, cause many of these guys wouldn't be near the top without cheating.
  19. SynthGH...breakfast of champions. If the ncaa is going to dish out dumb money to kids to jump ship, they should also catch up on the drug testing. Endless gas tanks and growing from midgets to light heavies. Aren't they still only testing for weed coke test levels? For 100k, what's the incentive for top guns to stay put? Franek is ok at best.
  20. Flo has always claimed they are trying to grow the sport, maybe so, but you certainly won't grow the sport with a sub-par product. Do people that know nothing of wrestling just search and say" Let's pay for some wrestling today?". I think it's obvious the reason their feeds are always so poor is funding. Charging wrestling parents and long time fans is not how you grow the sport. They're already in-you need exposure, and if you want exposure the sport needs to be accessible to all and give them a reason to watch. Market better. Hire a quality salesperson that can secure big buck sponsorships to produce the content and upgrade your servers for once. Use the Billy Baldwins that love the publicity of the NCAA's to help with these big dollar ads. Wrestling equipment companies are not the answer for clicks, but wrestling families do buy other products. My God, some Instagram kids in H.S. get more funding. I'm definitely not an internet guru but hire someone that will figure it out. At least reach out to Jake Paul, he is genuinely interested in helping the advancement of the martial arts and is a master of making $$$.
  21. Posted 15 hours ago Huh? Stalrocci comes off arrogant and pompous and does himself very little favors when he opens his mouth or lets his fingers run on the twitterspheres. Nothing was mentioned about their attitudes, the comment was about their stature at the Open and similar win status. However, if you feel that standing in the circle with your hand out to shake your opponent's when he is still sitting on the mat wondering what just happened isn't arrogant...
  22. It's a little strange that there are so many threads talking about Lee, or making excuses for why he didn't compete or why he lost. I haven't seen any excuse threads for Carter Starocci. 3x Ncaa champ too that entered injured.Should be giving more support to the wrestlers who can compete. His PR man should stop with all the interviews and let his son get better mentally, and as best he can physically. Trying to keep him mainstream and setting unrealistic goals for a less than 100% athlete is obviously way too much for the young man to handle. His team still thinks he's Superman, but his Kryptoknees say otherwise.
  23. He can't even make the u.s. team and he's gonna win gold for France?! Lol. I guess he has good knees now.
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