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DJT last won the day on August 3 2023

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  1. DJT

    Ice Cream

    Self control is an acceptable excuse for not sacrificing yourself to the ice cream gods. Good on you.
  2. The Russell Brand podcast last week with Oliver Stone was good… It reminded me to look up JFK Revisited on Prime.
  3. I’m not for absolving the protesters of all culpability. However, there are clearly layers to this, and to simplify it as being solely the fault of the protesters is disingenuous. Case in point, CHOP/CHAZ in Seattle. Yes, it was the insurrectionists fault, but the city was found culpable as well by the courts for letting it happen (the mayor told the police chief to stand down and let the rioters take control of the area) and was forced to pay millions to the residents/business owners of the district for failing to protect their constitutional right to property.
  4. DJT

    Ice Cream

    One scoop? You need to pick up your game.
  5. I fit it in between watching JFK Revisited (highly recommended) and my late night ice cream binge.
  6. Damn. Sounds like Fulton County should’ve been in charge of Capitol security on J6.
  7. If it happened because all of the employees were out back smoking weed, should they not be disciplined, because the responsibility lies with the thief? If it happened because the store manager doesn’t schedule enough workers, because she wants a higher store profit to get a bigger bonus, should she not be disciplined? Should CVS do nothing to prevent it from happening again? Move the nicotine to a shelf with a sight line of the pharmacy, put anti-theft devices in the box, put them in a locked display, put them behind the counter, etc.? I assume you are Pro Derek Chauvin, anti-gun control, and against TSA checkpoints, because the responsibility lies with the criminals, and we shouldn’t learn anything from their behavior?
  8. Numerous videos show capitol police officers holding doors open for protesters, waving them inside the capitol, escorting them around, etc. The blame shouldn’t land on those on the ground, because they found themselves in a losing battle and did their best (except Michael Byrd, he’s a cold-blooded murderer). You have to move up the chain to those who put them in that situation to lay the blame, up to the Capitol Police Chief, Sergeant at Arms, Nancy Pelosi, the DC Mayor, FBI DC Field Office Assistant Director, Agents and Analysts in Charge, and FBI leadership. Whatever happened, happened. All the focus is on punishing the protesters and now Trump, while ignoring how and why there were systemic failures that allowed it to happened, and how to prevent it from happening again.
  9. I think the point is, there (purposefully?) wasn’t enough security present to handle the crowd and/or the security present (purposefully?) did not adequately control the crowd. That and, judging by all of the conspiracy charges against protesters and some people who weren’t even there, it was an (purposeful?) intelligence failure on the part of the FBI and SS. That doesn’t bode well, since, “White nationalist domestic terrorists are the greatest threat to our country,” according to Biden, Garland and Mayorkas.
  10. They only failed because Pelosi kept Trump’s National Guard away… They were supposed to be the second wave.
  11. BSF is a big firm with close to 200 attorneys in a dozen plus offices. Her and Hunter’s connection to it is nothing more than the fact that all swamp creatures inhabit an increasingly small swamp.
  12. 9/11 is absolutely a US political event by all counts, as are the assassinations. The JFK assassination undoubtedly changed not only our country’s trajectory, but that of the whole world, that is still felt today. The same can be said of 9/11. If Trump didn’t wake up tomorrow, J6 would be forgotten by 99.99% of people by the end of August.
  13. Worked at BSF at the same time, but she was appointed Federal Judge about the same time as Hunter was hired by Burisma.
  14. I gave one example of a more important political event in a single generation. Want to go back another? Reagan attempted assassination. Iran-Contra. Watergate. Vietnam. Cuban Missile Crisis. JFK & RFK assassinations. Plus about another dozen all more important than J6. Shit, boycotting the 1980 Olympics was a bigger deal than J6.
  15. Bigger than 9/11, huh? That’s a warped view of reality.
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