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NCAA Qualifier

NCAA Qualifier (11/14)

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  1. Any idea how they decided on 2016 as the magic year for them to get back pay? When not go back til the 1850s and pay the families of those athletes?
  2. @Husker_Du tell Alirez to make the announcement already! OkieSt?
  3. I'll donate him some of my leftover pesos from my last trip, but that's all that traitor is getting.
  4. He's lucky............... I wonder who paid for the lawyers, hopefully Mr Brooks himself. All that being said, good for Aaron and USA, I'm hoping he gets to go against Yazdani.
  5. Interesting. I wonder how that works, since the time between his U23 gold and now consisted of him wrestling a boat load and winning an NCAA title and Olympic Trials spot.
  6. This right here ^. It sounds as though the sanctions would be less severe due to disclosing it, but the fact that he hasn't been sanctioned at all yet... could be bad news. He has less than 3 months until competition, so if there's a sanction longer than that, he's screwed. Overall, I doubt Brooks lied. It's pretty easy to get a TUE for stimulants from what I can understand (whether he needs it for studying or competition); he probably was just being an idiot. Will probably be up to if WADA is lenient on idiots and whether or not they believe it gave him any advantage.
  7. Uh oh, aren't saunas banned by the NCAA? Time to revoke those titles as well.
  8. Yes, this. Also, no way in hell Brooks or any other athlete would say "yeah, I'm in the middle of the appeal and I don't think it's looking good." Plus I ventured into the rules section of the anti-doping policy and he's got a few things going against him based on the possible ways to get a retroactive TUE applied, which sounds like he needs because he said he showed up and simply informed them that he was on it (indicates he's aware its a banned substance - removes ignorance claim): Emergency or urgent treatment exception - Vyvanse for school is not an emergency by any means. Insufficient time or exceptional circumstances preventing athlete from obtaining TUE - Brooks had been competing under UWW / USADA / WADA rules since at least his U17 days. Plenty of time and opportunity to get one. Don't start using the drug until you have one, dude. Due to national agencies not requiring TUEs - I believe NCAA and USA wrestling require these. Athlete is not considered an "international athlete" prior to testing - Brooks had been competing in U17s, U20s, U23 qualifying events for years, establishing him as an international athlete (I think), unless the break between U20s and U23s took him off the list. Substance is only prohibited out in-competition - not the case for Vyvanse. I'd be interested to hear what people more in-the-know have to say.
  9. Where's the news? Starting to get worried over here. I am also a little surprised people aren't more concerned about this... If you read WADA's rules for TUEs, and how AB described the situation in Basch's interview, it sounds like he would be unlikely to win an appeal. They have very clear rules and he simply didn't follow them.... Claiming ignorance is not a good excuse.
  10. Good points, he does seem to be overly worried about others' perspective of him and his performance than most athletes. Keeping him out of his head is gonna be the main task for Dan Dennis and the Brands.
  11. On FRL earlier, Pyles said the governing body overseeing the decision is WADA. Chael said that if WADA is overseeing it there is no way in hell he's wrestling. Not sure how well informed he actually is on the drug testing, but considering he took PEDs and had to navigate this landscape, he might not be bullshitting. Even so, it sounds like both Aaron and USA Wrestling are pretty confident he'll be good to go.
  12. I agree, I think Ohio State would be happy with them. I could've seen them taking a shot on DT considering Logan and him were pretty close growing up, DT grew up wrestling in Ohio, etc, but irrelevant since Okie State has him now. The question is - who would get the job out of Logan and J, and would there be any sour grapes in picking one over the other? Yeah, Ohio State definitely has the cash money, albeit I think the tier 1 head coaches are closer to $700k - $1M rather than $400k.
  13. I forgot about that and just watched the match where he beat Nato, then his interview... 1:45 mark. Seems like he left it all up to Tom and Terry. Q: How much international wrestling will you do? Spencer: As much as I'm told to do Q: You have no idea? Spencer: Nope! Q: Who's calling those shots? Spencer: Tom and Terry Brands! https://www.flowrestling.org/events/6570901-2019-senior-nationals-us-olympic-trials-qualifier/videos?playing=6626648
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