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  1. Correct, he didn’t get as heavy as he would have liked, which is why he stayed at 133 an planned to redshirt. The plan originally was to go 141 and Lemley RS.p
  2. He was talking coming into the season that he had 2 years of eligibility left and he planned to use them.
  3. If that’s the case, one would believe they go with Tanifeu? Howarth is nowhere near ready. Also sounds like 184 is Bullocks spot going forward based off the MichDaily article.
  4. No Cannon for Michigan? Still no Rylan Rogers either..
  5. Bullock over Roger’s at 184, Is that indicative of a wrestle off result?
  6. Lemley must have gotten massive, is Walters knee okay? Last photo I seen he had it braced up. I’m looking forward to seeing Jenkins at the MSU open, he looks likes filling out the weight.
  7. Anyone got any inside scoop of Michigans private wrestle offs?
  8. Michigan, Cliff Keen, & the RTC has some serious donors.
  9. Jenkins won’t sniff 97, he’s packed on some size. Walters I’ve heard is planning on Redshirting.
  10. One of him or Amine would have to go up.
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