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  1. So true. And he's a huge cash cow . Also, worth adding those Grundy teams were legit. I think a couple of those Grundy teams were as good and if not better than any of Cburgs best teams. From top to bottom..
  2. And nc state, lehigh, nebraska, mizzou...fair to say the premise of this thread was warranted..
  3. Guess it's a couple of Tier 2 guys wrestling for a title..
  4. Three timer... no argument here about Jody as the best in high school. Finalist at ODU after placing at UNC. Shane Bowman and Luke Owens might garner some support.
  5. True. I was also considering Byron because of his status on the olympic ladder in freestyle. Thought he could pull it off against Joe Williams. Thinking back now, definitely prefer Byron.
  6. After Gray would be who? High school i'd say Frishkorn or Garner...? Post high school Byron Tucker?
  7. Tier 2 according to previous thread. Still can't believe someone typed those words...
  8. Having Carr in Tier 2 is the wildest thing I've seen on this board this year....congrats
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