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  1. Who’s standing in the way of Hamiti winning a NC at 165 next season? Mesenbrink or Haines? Caliendo? Ramirez? O’toole and Starocci going 174 next season?
  2. With Dean Hamiti transferring, how much do his chances of winning a NC go up now that he’ll be under the tutelage of DT?
  3. Starocci’s comments clearly demonstrate his immaturity and the fact that he’s a classless individual. I feel sorry for him. Wonder what Cael thinks of this?
  4. What’s the latest intel on Vito’s knee? Looked like a rather serious injury in his EIWA final with Crookham.
  5. Hamiti’s funky defense looked great against Mesenbrink, until he ran out of gas.
  6. Meyer Shapiro Sergio Lemley Austin Gomez Zach Glazier Nick Feldman
  7. KOT undefeated MM undefeated Carr 1 close loss to Ramirez Hamiti 1 loss to Olejnik Ramirez losses to Olejnik and ??? Olejnik losses to Caliendo and 3 others Is there a site that shows W/L for the season by wrestler?
  8. Am I being chastised for the misspelling?
  9. Who gets the Hodge if Mesenbrink beats KOT or Carr in the finals, Hidlay beats AB in the finals, and Starocci medically forfeits out of the tournament?
  10. If KOT loses to Carr in BIG-12 finals, does MM get the #1 seed at NCAA’s if he is still undefeated?
  11. When updated rankings come out this week, MM should be #2 in my opinion. Undefeated. Beat up on Caliendo…who just beat Olejnik (Caliendo looked sharp). No one has really been close with him. Not sure why Intermat has him still at #6. Can’t wait for 165 at NCAA’s…should be most exciting bracket this year. On a side note, the other guy getting no respect in the rankings is Glazier…he’s like 21-1 with AB being his only loss, and he’s not even ranked inside the top 10.
  12. Good list. Kasak has filled in nicely for SVN so far. And Lemley looked great against Woods. I guess if Ben Keuter’s red shirt gets pulled, he would be on this list as well.
  13. Mitchell Mesenbrink, Gabe Arnold, Braeden Davis, Luke Stanich, Meyer Shapiro, Rocco Welsh, Dylan Fishback and Nick Feldman all come to mind.
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