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  1. Everything is better when Europeans kill everybody and steal all of the land.
  2. Land management has to be complicated. Do farmers have to pay mortgages on that land? Do they pay taxes on it? Doesn't that mean that the government really owns it. Ownership of land is really just an idea in people's heads with European legalisms. The farmer could "own" 100 acres and rent the rest from the government and eliminate the bank.
  3. LOL That was merely a facetious but I think a limit on land ownership might make sense. No more than 3 parcels and 100 acres. The world population was 2 billion in 1927. Now we have 4 times that and land zoned as single family interferes with the so called housing market. Land is not like wheat and cars.
  4. The mice didn't have nukes or Bill Gates buying up more than his share of land. St. Matthews Island with reindeer.
  5. Did comparing Romeo and Juliet to West Side Story make sense? It was so obvious it was boring. I liked two songs though, America and Officer Krupke.
  6. And how many people lose plus the planet? I do wonder why people want superyachts if the oceans are full of plastic.
  7. What is economic growth and what does GDP have to do with it? There were 200,000,000 cars in the US in 1994. Suppose each car lost $1500 in depreciation annually. That would be $300,000,000,000. Should that be ignored? Consumers have to replace their durable consumer goods to maintain the same quality of life. Every time they buy a replacement it gets added to GDP. But the depreciation of the item replaced is not subtracted in the equation that is in our economics books. But economists don't talk about NDP anyway. Like GDP is all that matters. There are so many durable consumer goods that did not exist before 1900 and the concept of GNP/GDP was developed. Considering how much of GDP is made up of the purchase of those goods does economics with defective algebra make sense? The net result is planned obsolescence increases economic growth if GDP is all that matters.
  8. Only mathematics involved thinking when I was in school. Everything else was memorization. And mostly stuff that didn't seem important. What general said "Nuts!" to the Germans at the Battle of the Bulge? I had no idea. But that scene is in a movie. They made it look funny since it made no sense to the Germans. Anything critical about it. Learning to play chess was more useful than most classes.
  9. How the world functioned changed in the 20th century. What complex machines did consumers buy before 1900? There were peddle operated Singer sewing machines but there were about 6000 cars in the US in 1900. Ford introduced the Model-T in 1908. There were more than 100,000 horses in New York City in 1900. By 1912 50% of the vehicles were motorized. Of course electrification was happening at the same time. But eventually the US had The Depression and WWII. The concept of GNP/GDP was developed around 1937. When do you ever hear economists talk about Net National Product or Net Domestic Product? World War II seemed to be good for the American economy with the Germans and Japanese causing rapid depreciation by blowing shit up. So we have had 70 years of planned obsolescence replacing the war but our economists say nothing about the depreciation on the consumer side. So we don't know how much it has amounted to.
  10. What do you think is more than accounting and economics considering that economists have been ignoring the annual depreciation of durable consumer goods for 70 years while planned obsolescence has been happening more and more. There were 200,000,000 cars in the US in 1994. How many of those are running today? Where did the depreciation go? And if we did not engage in planned obsolescence would our climate and pollution problems be as bad?
  11. You mean there is nothing more awesome than "retard"? "Awesome" wasn't awesome when I was less than 20.
  12. Error, Error! Dcap = GDP - (Dcap + Dcon) That was supposed to be: NDP = GDP - (Dcap + Dcon) Sorry, I don't know how I didn't see that before now.
  13. "retards"? I'm over 60, is there a more awesome substitute?
  14. Americans are mostly retards. Except for their nukes and their guns they are hardly worth paying attention to. Oh, and they can shoot down balloons, a new talent.
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