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  1. Why are there discrepancies between wrestlestat's RPI ranking and the official one released by the NCAA a few days ago? Obviously it changes with each match wrestled but on the day they were released they had a very different order at some weights. Shouldn't they be the same because it is (Win% * 0.25) + (OppWin% * 0.50) + (OppOppWin% * 0.25)? I don't understand what would make them different.
  2. You are working so hard Sherlock. I hope you can figure it out.
  3. One thing I know about college wrestling is that medical forfeits are always legit and due to injuries that occur in the match
  4. People realize there have been actual fist fights in wrestling matches before right?
  5. You didn't hear? They just announced they canned Nickerson. Cause of termination: "One of his wrestlers overhooked too hard."
  6. I am just a simple jackrabbit fan who enjoys hard wrestling
  7. Seems odd that SDSU wrestler pretty much gives no resistance to any of this as well. I don't know what to make of it.
  8. What exactly is a punch to you? Isn't any club or collar tie a way of "punching"?
  9. GWN, The police should be there any day now. I showed them the footage. Hopefully the entire wrestling team will be arrested as well (they, of course, were complicit in the assault that took place).
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