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Bantam (2/14)

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  1. yes- at 97 Kg. The consensus seemed to be that he is a natural 86Kg guy and underpowered for 97Kg.
  2. https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/497128/Kamran-Ghasempour-a-serious-rival-for-Hassan-Yazdani-in-86kg
  3. There is a good chance Kamaran Ghassempour will cover for Yazdani
  4. I know there is a poet in Shiraz- composed lots of good poetry in Urdu. Have you been to Shiraz my good friend? Shame we didn t get to see amouzad-otoguro match today
  5. Thanks. i am told they love to recite the tales of Gilgamesh to their childern
  6. I believe they speak Akkadian over there....Slightly different flavor of a semetic language but Arabic is close enough
  7. Now UWW is wheeling out ancient footage of Pariss pinning Zare...
  8. This post (https://uww.org/article/six-must-watch-battles-world-championships ) at UWW website billing the Steveson-Zare as one of the the 6 matches to watch out for is so prematurely out of date. Reminds me of the Monty python dead Parrot sketch ...
  9. The Iranians and the Stanis are worrisome. They even have juice in the morning of match ( yes juice and no one stops them). And whats with their nefarious underhook business- I mean that just unholy- coached from a Mephistopheles type deviant club coach- No like we have it from the holy trinity in Pen state..right?
  10. Yazdani and Bagaev had a match in Tehran 4 months ago.....
  11. The grim take may be that sometimes you sow but reap nothing
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