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State Qualifier (6/14)

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  1. Seeing on Twitter that Tervel is putting his house for sale. Him getting the Buffalo job wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities.
  2. I agree on Carter. He was great after the semis and particularly thoughtful IMO after the finals. Him giving props to the trainer was really classy and cool to see.
  3. That's true but sometimes when you ask that question you get the gem we got from Kerk at Big Tens when he told us that everything is meaningless and we should simply embrace Jesus. I laughed so hard when he said that I peed a little bit. That got me thinking, if Hidlay wanted to get into Brooks's head he should've come out with a 101% Jesus headband.
  4. I feel badly for Quint as his job is basically impossible. Every year he gets dumped on but what exactly is he supposed to do? He's catching these guys at a terrible time. He's only as good as the wrestler getting interviewed. Sometimes we get lucky and catch MM, Henson or Hidlay (he and his brother were great). Other times aka 80% of the time, we get guys that are sucking wind and can barely think straight let alone sound coherent on the mic.
  5. What an animal, gets career win 100 and finally beats Franek. Gonna miss him.
  6. Big time tip of the cap to Berge from SDSU @Gus helluva run coming all the way back for the chance to get 3rd after losing in the 1st round.
  7. Nebraska has 5 AAs this year. 125/141/149/157/165
  8. It feels a little weird here. On one hand, Nebraska has 5 AAs, 2nd most behind Penn State. On the other hand, watching Lovett lose in the fashion he did plus Pinto doing Pinto stuff and costing himself AA status has definitely let some air out of the balloon. Let's also not forget the curious decision of Smith choosing bottom against Barnett in the 2nd period despite Smith getting the 1st TD and leading 3-1. I'm not saying Barnett doesn't find a way to win but Smith took his advantage and decided to just throw it in the trash.
  9. I'm hoping for a Gomez/Lovett III. Gomez looks incredible out there. The bottom part of that bracket is loaded.
  10. Ridge beat Swiderski's ass like he stole something.
  11. On what day do we get the annual Billy Baldwin interview?
  12. My first blush guess is Brad Vering. 3x state champ, 3x AA at Nebraska w/ 1x national champ. Was also a 2x Olympian in Greco. I'm sure I'm forgetting a person or two.
  13. Agreed, he was one guy I was thinking might not go tonight.
  14. Penn State is -33 per Circa. I wonder if we see a fully intact PSU lineup tonight coming off the quick turnaround at Iowa.
  15. Agreed, Kerk TF/WBF both guys and I'd probably send Andrews out v. Schultz as he seems less likely to try and go upper body which is a terrible idea. Davison, I don't think it really matters, he cooks both guys.
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