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Bigbrog last won the day on April 10 2024

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  1. Nice way to try and change the question slightly to belittle a stupid point you have. The answer for me is, I am not sure if I bomb the house. A lot of questions need to be answered and intel is needed. How big up the food chain is the person? Who are the civilians in the house? How many? Why are the civilians there? Are they kidnapped or are the enabling the terrorist in some way. Can a sniper take the terrorists out? Etc. Etc. Again, a simple yes or no doesn't work in your line of thinking.
  2. Wow...you are dense....I just ducking did...AGAIN!! Your stupid f'ing question cannot be answered with a simple yes or no. If you think it can, then go ahead and do so, everyone one else on here doesn't think so, sooo...who is the dumb dumb on this topic? I'll give you a hint...it rhymes with YOU!
  3. War is not comparable to police situations so again, terrible "logic" on your part. And you consistently ask the same question over and over, you are starting to sound even more like TPT. Like what many people have said who consistently answered your stupid question, I'll try and explain it again to you....slowly...W A R is c o m p l i c a t ed. There is no yes or no answer to it. It is never "ok" to kill innocent people, even in war; however, if the evil scum terrorist group uses human shields, then if anything happens to the human shields the responsibility falls on the evil scum terrorist group that used them as human shields. Why do you not get that?? As people have pointed out MANY MANY times that you fail to even acknowledge because you hate Israel, is that Israel is trying to do everything in their power to keep civilian deaths to a minimum...if they didn't care about civilians the war would have been over a week after it started.
  4. It's telling when even the lefties disagree with UB. Dude...just stop...you are wrong
  5. Such weak sauce. People have answered this question many times...your reading comprehension is shining through again.
  6. Yeah, my neighbor's aunt passed away from cancer and they tried to put Covid as one of the causes on the medical file and certificate...they fought it really hard as she was already receiving her last rights and the family was notified that she was going to pass any day. And when she passed she had no symptoms of Covid, but they tested her anyway and it was positive. Absolutely ridiculous!
  7. Whoa...whoa...let's not jump to conclusions...they may have just been planning a "peaceful protest."
  8. That is what I switched to. Try Firefox as well
  9. Did anyone see Maxine Waters say that Trump supporters should be investigated because Trump is somehow telling them to start a civil war and to be violent?? These people are jokes...how hypocritical can people be...she must have forgotten her calling for violence against people that didn't think like her not to long ago.
  10. You honestly think Israel has not tried to have talks with Humas...over and over?? SMH
  11. There you go with your reading comprehension or lack thereof. Jimmy did not ever say it is okay and "fair game" because they support Humas, what he said is that war sucks, it is ugly, Humas started this. They are at fault. Humas is using them as human shields thus civilians unfortunately die...period. And you know why this war still goes on after 6 months, because Israel DOES worry about killing innocent people and are trying their hardest to have civilian deaths kept to a minimum. If they truly didn't care, Humas would be gone 5 weeks ago. Once again try and twist that all you want but that is what has and is happening. Your antisemitic rhetoric can't change the truth. You consistently post things that are in fact pro-Humas, you post asinine and cringe worthy comparisons showing your hate for Israel and the US. We all have good reading comprehension...it is you that thinks that you can post crap and then try and spin it to mean something else. You are on the one who is on the wrong side of history, just as all your fellow compadres camping out on college campuses promoting hate for the US and hate for Israel. And the funny part is you prove it over and over with every single post.
  12. Easy...you! I think war in today's day and age is stupid and archaic. I think terrorists are the scum of the earth as are the people who support them (cough...cough...you...cough). However, I believe in retribution against those terrorists when they kill innocent people based on political/religious beliefs.
  13. Wow...just when I think you can't post anything more idiotic than you have, you go and prove me completely wrong.
  14. Weeeiiirrrddd Just as there is TDS, this country went through CDS...heck some still have it. One of the biggest shams in the US since I can remember. I loved "debating" the CDS folks about why the US counted Covid deaths differently than any other virus/disease, and no one could ever answer it.
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