This topic made me think about my best friend from high school. He was a football player, and never wrestled. All 3 of his daughters wrestle.
I convinced him to enter an open/masters tournament last April that his daughters were wrestling in at our old high school. He asked me who would be wrestling in it in our age group (39 to) and I told him it would be dads and maybe some coaches, but I specifically told him "There won't be any hammers in your bracket." This was consistent with what I have seen in the past at these types of local tournaments with a masters bracket.
He shows up and there are 4 people in his bracket, and the other 3 of them are ACTIVE COLLEGE WRESTLERS. 1 D1, 1 D2, and 1 NAIA. He went 0-3 for the day, but felt he got perspective for coaching from it.