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Not the Real Scribe

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Everything posted by Not the Real Scribe

  1. Cornell, think about it. No scholarships and high barriers. Koll was an incredible coach. Grey has also proven a lot in the last two years. So proud to be affiliated with this amazing programs. BTW, it all started with my coach, Andy Noel, who went on to become athletic director, holding the reigns while this all evolved.
  2. Much closer than the score might lead you to believe. TD and swipes were bull....
  3. Wow, didn't realize things were going so badly...?? https://www.sportskeeda.com/wwe/news-triple-h-needs-fire-loser-budget-cut-coming-soon-wwe-universe-reacts-23-year-old-getting-dismal-reception-fans
  4. Beard is looking really good this year. Much better than #7.
  5. I would have thought this was all worked out by now, but... Has AJ applied to and been accepted to Iowa? If not, what's the hold up? I would have thought this would have all been ironed out by now? Has he applied to and been accepted by any other colleges?
  6. To flush all that tradition? This is awful. I grew up on Lehigh and EIWA wrestling on TV! I used to enjoy attending the EIWA's. An all-Ivy qualifier...nope - and I'm sure most would agree. Full stands in the arena? More likely a HS gym if they are lucky, and they won't be full. From a spectator perspective (important), I would say they took 10 giant steps backwards. Would love to know what group of folks thought this was a good thing??
  7. Very, very good point. Totally agree. A 3-point reversal would disincentivize aggressive top wrestling.
  8. UNC's fundraising and recruiting base will expand exponentially upon the hiring of Rob Koll, should that occur. If it's easier getting folks in the door at UNC than it was at Cornell and Stanford, I say "look out!" While UNC is not quite a Cornell or Stanford academically, it's a pedigree nonetheless.
  9. Interesting, they didn't challenge a call, they challenged the lack of a call, a situation where either the call or lack thereof was very subjective. If the call wasn't made during the match, I don't think anyone can justify making it after the match.
  10. How about Iowa State folks? Paniro Johnson...is he off the hook?
  11. Couldn't have put it any better!
  12. So, who is responsible for this new forum??
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