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Everything posted by scourge165

  1. I don't really recall personally, just a number I remember from that article. I know he was similar to Favre in that he was the biggest earlier in his career. Favre was ~245 at one point, but...Young may have been 225. The article was no doubt hyperbole, but he was also a great athlete. Take the weight, the exact 40...I'm not sure either were accurate.
  2. Yeah...he was. He was also a guy who played mostly 1B and struggled to hit .300 in HS. I think his Baseball prowess has perhaps been exaggerated. A guy like Elway had a legit shot to be a star Baseball player. Steve Young would be on the other end of that spectrum. 6'2 245...they talked about moving him to safety. There's a story he ran a 4.38 40 in camp that Rice and Walsh swear by(which is clearly BS, but probably meant he could run a 4.5-something). But that's the point. Brady had the ability...like Peyton did, to process and play manipulate the pocket, but he never had the big arm(most of his backups probably had stronger arms). But 7 Super Bowls is 7 Super Bowls.
  3. I can't see Sinclair being a good fit at '97. He's ~5'8 or so. He's an incredible Wrestler and can dominate HS kids at that weight, but there are some looong '97 pounders. Someone just mentioned Elam. 6'5? Trumble(if he's back down, may not be, but he has been) or a kid like Sasso. '74 or '84...would be my opinion. He's not that big. He's a stud and he'd probably do pretty well, but he'd be limiting himself IMO. I think he should take a RS and then go one of those two weights.
  4. I'm honestly not sure if you're screwing with me or not! LOL...I think you are...I mean, you have to be, right?
  5. Ross looked like there was something wrong with him the first time I saw him wrestle. He was all coiled up in that stance and it looked he had some back problems. Nope. The kid was just like 6'5 with a huge back. That kid looks incredible. Also would imagine we'd lose him to FB...
  6. I can't tell if y'all are being serious. You're really arguing that... muscles are a detriment to Wrestling!?! It's a sport where you're trying to force people to do things they don't want to. Muscles...tend to be beneficial with that! Or are we mocking Jimmy? Because...I feel like Kyle Snyder or...pretty much every great Wrestler would disagree. I don't think David Taylor thought, "damn, these muscles are really making me tired."
  7. I don't particularly care as long as people are up front about it. This one is...pretty straight forward. I know a guy who set up one because he was running a business...it was TOO successful, he needed to grow and he wanted to rent out a warehouse but he didn't want to take on the debt. That one...annoyed me. But I also just didn't donate(and he was also upfront...which is how I know about it). My Cousins Wife had one when he died and left his 6-month-old...and being 33, he had no life insurance(actually...he was trying to get life insurance, they found the cancer and he was gone ~12 months later). There's a wiiide range, but there are certain things I think are worthy of donations. Others less so. I'd like to start one with the goal of helping me realize my dream of having more money. My Mother is very sick...
  8. LOL...no kidding! Had he simply said that he wanted Lee to win and he'd root for RBY for Silver...it's not a thread. It's over. NOBODY would argue with that(well, RBY's family may...but generally speaking). I guess you offered a suggestion and he took it!
  9. Ok...but you're the only one who's brought up the loophole. That hasn't been anyone else's issue. That's a whole other discussion. This was about a GofundMe for RBY's parents and people taking offense because he was Wrestling for Mexico. Not because it compromised the integrity of the Olympics. It seems like it's pretty easy to go through the thread and see what's driving their...opinions.
  10. Yeah, I watched them as well...and I'm with you on Bo and MJ, but I think you're understating Deion's greatness. The way he played offense, he was a weapon as a return man, the best cover corner in the modern era. I would take Jordan as #1 in this group because of what he actually accomplished, Bo as #2 just because he was such a great athlete, but if you weigh both evenly, Deion has to at least be in that conversation. He was both great in his team sports(really good player with the Braves, all-world with the Falcons, Cowboys and 49ers) and he ran a 4.2 something. I can't really argue AGAINST any of them...
  11. Yes, he's up there. That's why it's impossible to go with the "greatest" of all-time. I can only go by Owens accomplishments, but they were amazing...particularly given how he won those Gold Medals! Speaking of which, biiig Bill Burr fan! He has a good line joke about Hitler. I think the whole bit is funny, but it starts with about 1:20 left in the video...if you care;
  12. Does it? I don't know that I agree, but sure, lets say it does. It doesn't seem like it actually has to do with "making the Olympics worse," and more about something very different according to at least some. I'm not super interested in arguing about the rules or if they should be changed for this particular thread. The rules are the rules. I don't blame athletes for transferring and I certainly don't blame athletes for competing for another Country when the best couple of the best athletes in the world are in your Country and Weight.
  13. Cool. I was unsure where you stood
  14. There are two different ways to qualify this. Greatest TEAM athlete...as in accomplishments in a sport vs pure athletic ability. Tom Brady is recognized as the greatest FB player ever. Most punters were more athletic than Brady. So using that metric, Jordan is in a very-very rare group. Talking about just pure athletic ability. Speed, agility, strength, etc...I think Jordan was incredible, but Bo and Deion were different. Deion's speed and agility were off the charts, but the revisionist history is that he wasn't physical. Go watch him early in his career. He hit. He was pretty physical. He got beat up and had shoulder issues and then became the player people remember. Bo? He was incredible. Just the speed he had at 6'1 240, he ran away from DBs, he ran through LBs. I'd guess people would over estimate his stats, but he came straight from Baseball to Football and went for 5 YPC. And then baseball? The power, insane arm... So I guess if you combine the two, I'd say Jordan was better. Incredible athletic ability and is the greatest of his generation in terms of winning(greatest other than Russell in that respect, but even Russell had...what, 6 other HOFs).
  15. No...if I was talking about Pele, I'd have at any point mentioned Pele. I'm talking about Jordan. Particularly during the Dream Team era. Jordan was probably thee biggest reason why the NBA grew internationally the way it did.
  16. You do understand nobody is asking you to root for RBY over Lee, right? Hell, nobody is asking you to do anything. You don't have to donate. That's kinda the driving force idea behind the word donation. Were it compulsory, it would not be a donation. He's an American. He wanted to also be an Olympian. He knew he had a better chance to do so in Mexico. Why does that make people angry? And don't say it doesn't, it very clearly does.
  17. Ok...I mean, there was a entire campaign "Be like Mike," and a shoe brand that's made tens of billions. He was also the biggest(as in most well known) athlete in the entire world. But more importantly...he won. I guess we're talking about different metrics, but I can't see how AI had a bigger impact in any regard. He was great, but...I just don't see it. Not on the level of Mike. He had a bland personality when he played. At least publicly. The Last Dance I thought took some of the blandness out of his personality, but I guess we'll agree to disagree.
  18. https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-get-my-family-to-paris?qid=5c55c3ee08207e6654b79a6de36e6bea I just donated because...eh, I found the posts in here obnoxious.
  19. Ok...I get this isn't a Basketball Forum and there are plenty who think BB players need to be mortal enemies with Wrestlers...but in what world was MJ overrated?
  20. I was going to mention Wilt. He was a freak(in more ways than one). But the wasn't he the NCAA Champ in the 400 High Hurdles...among other accomplishments? The Volleyball league... Otto Graham is a great one. Thorpe. BUT...I don't ascribe to the multi-sport participation to be considered great. Lets talk about the greatest Female athlete. Is anyone more athletic than Simone Biles? Does she really need to participate in track to prove that? Or sooo many Wrestlers?
  21. Is this the rule? Also, he said ONE OF...the greatest athletes.
  22. No...that is not the only reason. Every single team in the league would have been tripping over themselves to give Jordan a chance. He got a chance because he was the most recognizable athlete in the world. And again, by the time the AZFL came around...what he was doing was impressive...relatively speaking.
  23. He might have...if he'd given it 4 years. Jordan came in cold, went right to AA and then back to Basketball. Tebow got the same shit that Jordan did. How he didn't deserve the spot, it was PR, etc...but he ended up being pretty respectable in AA.
  24. Jordan did struggle playing Baseball. No question about that. It was still pretty amazing what he did. The guy hadn't swung a bat in 15 years(lost his eligibility as a Sr because he played in the McDonalds AA game)...and he jumped in at AA, the level with the most talent and he was much better than I think most people would expect. He actually started to figure it out and hit over .250 in the Arizona Fall League(for those who aren't Baseball fans, that is a league for really good prospects to get more work...it's become watered down, but was even better when MJ played). For perspective though, AA would be more like the SEC for Football and Jordan grew up playing the game. I didn't think Gable had played HS Football. He IS young enough that maybe he could learn all the intricacies of the game that we take for granted. The technique, working on the hands(Wrestling would help a great deal here). But he's just so short. I'm curious how long his arms are though. They look pretty long. It'd be fun to see IF he went for it IF he could play at Minnesota...provided he was granted a year of eligibility, but the chances of him becoming an NFL-caliber DL are tiny. I'd like to see it though.
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