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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. no, but, that is very typical, yes? they are an awful company and treat their employees horribly and have since at least the early 90s... slave labor would not be too strong a word for the conditions back then...
  2. you guys are aware of what a cess pool Disney is as a company, yes? and they pretty much always have been... i have known several people who have worked in the park and also several graphic artists who have worked for them... they are an awful company... the fact they have jumped so hard on this left leaning political path will ultimately ruin them once sanity comes back...
  3. i get anyone who is "less than" would hate a push out... that would eliminate 93% of their wrestling strategy right off the top...
  4. it should be instituted at all ages immediately...
  5. why first? we can already see how much better wrestling is with a pushout... we can all go back and watch how it improved dramatically when they introduced it internationally... this is not just conjecture or theorizing... we can actually see how much better wrestling got after he could not just back up into the parking lot...
  6. and against those that know how to wrestle that is not very effective... wrestling improves exponentially when you can not just back out of bounds for safety...
  7. interestingly enough, that is not what happens in his international matches...
  8. how i do love the same tired arguments every year...
  9. this is a bit of a commitment but the pay off in the end...
  10. yep... burnout is a word that gets thrown around by those with an excuse mentality...
  11. someone made it past the first paragraph in that pathetic hit piece? i couldn't do it...
  12. it reads like the decision was really easy... absolutely nothing wrong with that...
  13. please do elaborate... because i saw some silliness about him prosecuting the owner of the repair shop... i am sooooooo giddy to see whatever you feel is an "appropriate" response...
  14. if he cant ever see 65kg then how would anyone expect him to make 49 for a season? he is a 57er... i do not want to say what my first thought was seeing him compete internationally a month ago...
  15. if chittum is going 70kg for trials then there no way he will be 149 in 6 months... right?
  16. not really... he can compete at 92 or get dropped like 3rd period french at 97kg... is that really a big decision?
  17. we could begin to discuss the clinton's hit list if any of you want... it's up over 30 now, yes?
  18. burnout is a myth... good for the kid just doing what he wants and not what someone else wants... none of his time was wasted...
  19. drew plays it pretty close to the vest... the lasts time i talked to him all he really said about it is luke has taken his visits... he didn't offer up much past that and i did not press him on it... but... the fact no one is hearing anything about it should tell you they are doing it right...
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