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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. i do not suggest you holding your breath for that... but you do you, boo...
  2. i sincerely hope everyone is going to be ok...
  3. 60 years ago we would just assassinate a president if they caused too much shake up to the how things really are run... so... this is... progress???
  4. i am not sure you understand what pertinent means...
  5. I can’t tell you how much I value you… you and people like you have made me and mine’s lives amazing… don’t ever change!!!!
  6. I like some posts just because I know what it will do to the author… but… there is real value in this post… continuing to do the same things over and over will just get similar results…
  7. My family represents you and all the rest every time they wear USA on their chests… you can take some pride in that…
  8. You play the role you were designed to play… we need people like you…
  9. i thought you were calling it a night? i get it... you can not help yourself... it is all pretty easy to connect the dots... but... there are other things in this life, i promise you that... get a couple more years on you and you will see...
  10. i get it... things did not turn out like you had planned... it happens...
  11. like it was a fukn riddle or something...
  12. the ones who are unhappy and regretful are easy to pick out on an internet forum...
  13. you guys bitch about everything already... what would be the difference?
  14. does this silliness even get a response anymore?
  15. i bought a ticket for this and then got a text that the kid was landing way earlier than i thought, so, i did not get a chance to see it... i am super interested in the doc mainly because of my own hyper sensitivity of concussions coming from my own background in racing... personally, i was horrified at how she was handled during this, but, i wanted to feel better about it... i knew kids who were "training" with her at this time... it felt irresponsible to me, but, i was not in the inner circle... there was a time when i would argue with anyone that the best wrestler technically in this country was without a doubt maroulis...
  16. while i totally get and respect the sentiment... no one who wrestles should want anyone to not be there... but... if so, it does not cheapen the accomplishment at all... you can only wrestle who shows up and if on that day you beat everyone who shows up then there is no stupid fukn asterisk attached to it... still... no athlete should be held responsible for their governments actions and i am so thankful i live in a country where me and mine do not have to worry about that and i am equally as empathetic to any athlete that had the misfortune to be born in a country that is not the case... because if the powers that be looked at this stuff without being influenced by the usual pathetic BS, then that would not be the case and no american athlete would be allowed to compete... which would be a travishamockery...
  17. i don't need to watch a documentary... i have two kids who were in two different countries from me wrestling last weekend... we figured it out... which is all anyone needs to do... and if it is not important enough to figure out how to negotiate the realities of your chosen whatever then it was not important enough to that individual to begin with... no shame in that... no one needs to make up an excuse for them... but... so many who are unhappy with what happened in their lives/careers/whatever can not help themselves but to point fingers and find reasons why when the obvious answer is obvious... painfully so... but that answer does not make them feel all warm and fuzzy... i get it...
  18. "burn out" is a thing for those who were never going to do it anyway... i get why some would not want to hear that... gets in the way of too many excuses...
  19. trust me... the athletes all know how important the open is this year... it will be legit across the board every weight...
  20. they definitely have the money to travel now...
  21. i do not think any reasonable person would disagree with any of that... but reasonable got thrown out the window years ago and now people are being ruined/cancelled/killed because they believe differently... doesn't that sound familiar? almost what all the marginalized are supposedly so against? right? that is the insanity...
  22. disney will be ruined... disney has been ruined already... years ago... but... to the other stuff... exactly... that is what most people want to do... and for the most part, we all can... and always have been... it is an excuse mentality that is the real problem in this country and that runs straight across the board no matter what panties you wear this weekend... even in this little corner of the googlewebs... we have people who supposedly like wrestling but hate personal accountability... it makes no sense to me...
  23. the actual subject? as if this stuff is all not all totally interrelated...
  24. no... it is goddamn horrifying if you have children and you get to see how they are being attacked now... i have two absolute meathead sons and a 14 year old daughter who is an artist... my boys were lucky that we found wrestling... what i have had to try and help her navigate the last several years has been ridiculous... i had to have several conversations with her when she was 13 about hormone blockers because she was being sold that it is totally normal and healthy... it was goddamn disgusting... but... she is now almost 15 and seeing how ridiculous this whole trans stuff has become... she is still the same person... she still refuses to do the things that a traditional american girl will do and i am totally onboard with that... what i am not on board with is a child being told it is ok to change who they are with drugs and surgery instead of explaining to them we all felt like this when we that age... everyone does... but... that is hard to figure out... so lets just pump fukn drugs and cut stuff off you instead of figuri9ng out how to be happy with who you are... and if that is crazy to you then you are the problem... yeah... when sanity returns Disney will not survive... it is already failing miserably now pushing its agenda...
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