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Danny Deck

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  1. Grocery store, farmer's market, meat market. This is getting to be a full day of shopping.
  2. They do this for Mother's Day as well. It can be a painful reminder for any number of reasons.
  3. Here's a link to the article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13480569/ultra-processed-foods-weight-gain-new-report.html The best rule of thumb remains to get most of your food from the outside aisles of the grocery store.
  4. The Rolling Stones on Saturday. Don't have too many more concerts on deck yet, but plan to see Orville Peck and Hozier this year for sure. American Aquarium and John Moreland in the fall. We just re-upped our season tickets for the touring Broadway plays. It has been fun to go to those.
  5. https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/mel-gibson-mark-wahlberg-non-woke-film-studio-claim-is-satire-2024-04-12/
  6. The funding source for SJP, who is leading these protests, was known before the protests started. Is prior to the beginning not fast enough for you? I'm not sure how it could have been faster.
  7. I have friends who have, for now, temporary custody of their 7 year old nephew. It has been really impressive how much he has been able to improve from a stable home environment and caregivers who do what they can do help him thrive. And that has been in this school year basically since things started at Labor day.
  8. "SJP is fiscally sponsored and supported by American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), an organization that, according to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, has been linked to Hamas. A bipartisan group of lawmakers has called for federal investigations into the funding sources of SJP and AMP and their possible ties to Hamas."
  9. The book is Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe.
  10. Since Elliott Investments bought it in 2019 it has really turned around. They have even been expanding recently. The CEO is also CEO of Waterstones in the UK and seems to really understand how to sell books. It's a fascinating how they have been able to thrive.
  11. My point is decisions will have to be made. If one of the ways that decision is made is, "the local news won't show the pictures in a book on air." I think that's a fine reason. If one of the reasons is "Catcher in the Rye is hot garbage and we should stop the cycle of abuse that tells kids it's a classic." I think that's also a good reason. Each challenge isn't equally meritorious but it's hard to take people seriously when they act like no challenge has merit in the context of school libraries specifically.
  12. Nothing is good for book sales quite like getting it on the "banned book" table at Barnes & Noble. There are definitely over zealous people calling for the removal of books, but picking which books are in a library will always have to be done because they're ultimately finite spaces. It's obviously less fraught because Amazon isn't the government, but I recall people on the left trying to get them to remove Abigail Shrier's Irreversible Damage from the store. Since Amazon controls 75% of the ebook market and 50% of the physical book market, getting them to remove a book is much closer to a ban to me than not having the same book in a middle school library.
  13. This is the first time I've seen "an old Cowboy fan" refer to "Stoolwater."
  14. This seems like a politician harvesting rage. No SEC football team was on the field for the Anthem as of 2017. https://theathletic.com/110576/2017/09/25/college-football-national-anthem-protests-nfl-president-donald-trump/ It doesn't look like West Point has team's on the field for their games:
  15. College teams not being on the field/court during the anthem is common. Mulkey said it wasn't a protest, "Honestly, I don't even know when the anthem was played. We kind of have a routine when they're on the floor and they come off at the 12-minute mark. I don't know, we come in and we do our pregame stuff. I'm sorry, listen, that's nothing intentionally done." I'm indifferent to the routine teams have before games.
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