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Junior Varsity (4/14)

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  1. It's easier to see a guy is jacked than if the guy has that "I can't be beaten" mindset, that's for sure.
  2. Mindset is very important. I have a personal anecdote on this. I started wrestling in 4th grade, and built up my skills and confidence incrementally. It took a long time to have faith in my skills on the mat, and I wonder how many wrestling matches I lost over the years because I wrestled well known dudes and I let it get into my head that "I can't beat this guy, he's too good". But by the time I graduated HS I was an All State wrestler and owned a lot of big wins, even one over a national FS champ (albeit in a folk match). But there was this guy on my team who started wrestling as a freshman (when I was a sophomore). He had no idea he wasn't a good wrestler (he really wasn't that good), but the guy had an almost unbeatable mentality. He had a 27-3 record his first year, or something very near to that. Granted, that was the last year of Jr High back then, and against Jr High kids...but 27-3 in a first year is pretty damned impressive. The guy was a winner on the mat, somehow. His technique was rotten, but he was a great athlete and he thought he was going to destroy everybody on the mat. His success dropped a little in HS, but he was still winning 20 matches or more a year against just a few losses. I don't know how he did his Sr year, I'd graduated by then, but his Jr year he finished 5/6th at state. He didn't realize he was supposed to be struggling and just gave it all on the mat. Mindset is very important.
  3. Eddie Woodburn doesn't ring a bell. Was he a Cowboy?
  4. How long has Max Murin been in college? Seems like he's been around forever.
  5. Thanks for the information.
  6. Thanks for answering my questions. Is Fix planning on going at 125 this year, that's kinda what I got from your comments about him? When does he plan on pulling down, and what happens to Mastro at 125? Will he move up? I don't think OSU gains much in Fix pulling down to 125 because Lee is better than Fix (at folk). Finishing 2nd to Lee or RBY seems like a bit of a wash. Regarding Surber he impressed me last year wrestling a lot bigger guys than himself, and acquitting himself fairly well. He won the Big 12 HWT championship, right? I was disappointed he didn't do better at NCAAs because he was coming on pretty strong at the end last year, but I guess the bigger guys finally ground him down.
  7. I'm sure hoping Gfeller AAs this time around. As a Fr I remember him giving that NCAA champ from Rutgers all he could handle, then G just fell apart at NCAAs. I think he had a pretty good seed, too. Has he been battling injuries while at OSU or something, I surely expected him to be an All American by now.
  8. Mastrogiovanni is a RS Freshman, right? What makes you think he's going to crack the starting lineup? I don't know who Ryan Anderson is, guess I'm out of touch.
  9. Rich boy, huh? Well, that helps. Yianni comes from a wealthy family as well. Rich folks can send their kids to wrestling camps where they get hands on coaching from great coaches. When I was a kid my family was too poor to pay the $149 to send me to Cowboys Wrestling Camp 30 miles down the road!! I'll be rooting for young Victor and the rest of the Cowboys. Well, at least until they run into OU, whom they will beat quite handily I'm sure.
  10. Maybe. I think that's so stupid, by the way, making boys pull weight. I saw Gfeller and Sheets in a dual a week or so ago and neither was fat. Do the guys at OSU pull weight because of John Smith, or because they want to?
  11. Yes, the Dixon boys. Last year I was stoked on Drake Ayala. Well, I think Drake at least won a couple matches at NCAAs, and found out today that he was wrestling hurt all year.
  12. Just looked it up. Yeah, he has a 3 time qualifier in Blockhus. If Victor dominates Blockhus, will you jump on the bandwagon?
  13. I always get overly optimistic with Freshmen. Remember those triplets that went to OU a few years back? I was optimistic about those guys, and none of them ever even posted a winning record at OU, and I think only one of them hung around long enough to graduate.
  14. Ohio 2 timer. Impressive. I wish Wrestlestat wasn't hosed up, I'd like to see the results of Voinovich's matches from his RS season.
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