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About H82Lose

  • Birthday 01/11/2009

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  1. Jax has spent a ton of time in Stilly, TON of time. He and Daton are pretty tight, there were rumors for awhile he was going to end up at Stillwater highschool. Obviously, things change, but Stillwater will be in the conversation.
  2. I don't think he is overreaching by that much, I am just saying let's see how he does in college. There are not many undefeated 4Xr's in Oklahoma. I can tell you Hughes had some massive wins as a highschooler, he went to alot of the big tourneys too. I think Hughes will have a chance to do something Fix couldn't and that is win ONE title. Fix was just consistent, you knew what you were going to get. With Hughes, we don't know. He will be a big 133, and he is as strong as an ox, and the kid can go. Fix had a ton of hype coming out, and Hughes doesn't have as much.
  3. I get it, he is just a RS not a lot of experience.
  4. tough as hell, if he can keep his weight under control, it is on this year.
  5. Hughes will AA at 133 this year, mark that one down.
  6. Guys like him should transfer down the road to UCO D2 and go compete to be an AA.
  7. His momma was in a horrible car crash recently and has left her in a wheel chair, bad deal. $hit his dad flatlined not too long ago and they brought him back to life.
  8. It was ALOT to do with Carter leaving.
  9. Hughes is tough as hell, he will be in the conversation, I agree.
  10. really odd. So the guy wrestled for you guys? (Gophers) and then finished career at OKIE STATE? He also coached Conrad the OU 125
  11. I am too lazy to look it up, but that is what I was told. I cannot remember the name of one of the guys he wanted to come in, but I think one of the coaches he wanted to bring in was John Hardy, his high school coach.
  12. I heard different on Spratley. I heard (1) he felt he could beat McKee, and wanted to show that at an open tourney they were both in the finals and troy found out that day it would be a double forfeit. (2) I heard Spratley wanted more Freestyle in the summer and had asked if they could bring a couple of guys in to help and they were told no.
  13. Why did Brewer leave? Yes it is a promotion on paper, but man I would think cost of living would get him.
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