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  1. I’m just wondering what this forum has to do with any fanbase. There’s like 100 people here on a busy day. Most fanbases IRL are pretty similar, well meaning alums and townies with a few drunks and jerks mixed in.
  2. Nobody screwed him over. It was his choice to leave and coach with his mentor. And it was clear from the time he arrived that no promises were made to him, verbal or otherwise. I’m sure Perry wanted the HC job too but it’s a state school, everybody had to interview for the position.
  3. Guess that’s why I lol’ed at the original post. It’s an entirely subjective and pointless definition.
  4. I lol’ed at it too. Gable wrestled real mean and is the only one I’d describe as a killer but hey.
  5. Because they’re usually resharing some stuff they read in a discussion forum and know that it’s likely not true but just want to participate.
  6. Swear I saw one of the Brands bros spit at the ref at the last Iowa OSU dual lol
  7. I believe everything I read on the internet. ALL OF IT My favorite rumor recently was the screenshot of David Taylor's redacted plane ticket to OK. Pretty silly of him to fly to OK when OSU's AD was flying to PA!
  8. They should skip all of these safe hires and just have the Ferrari clan run the team.
  9. It'd be really interesting if a bunch of Smith's wrestlers-turned-coaches joined the same staff. I'd have another team to root for! Lol
  10. Now I just want cinnamon rolls with agave syrup. Mmmmmm
  11. Yeah how about a maturity contest. Nobody gives a sh** that you sent an edgy tweet. not a huge fan of Cowboys mouthing off on social media. Unprecedented hype or not, I want to see them stay classy as a lifelong Pokes fan. That ain’t how we roll unless it’s trash talking OU lol
  12. Lol not sure this is a relevant fear for someone contemplating taking the reigns at OSU. 30+ years ago, at least 5 ADs ago...
  13. Just to add on, the entire western half of the state is very mountainous with occasional river basins. Here's my amended drawing! \ / \ /\ / \ / \ \ / \ -45 minute drive- Greeley \ / \ / \ / \ / \ \ / / \ / \ / \ \ \ \ ____________________________________________________\______________________________________________________
  14. There should be a style that only allows lower-body takedowns... no tie-ups. We'll call it Ocerg Kind of trolling, but kind of not
  15. This is the right answer Though grow the fan base and you grow the number of potential jerk fans There's no winning in this game :)
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