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Everything posted by NotElonMusk

  1. It’s good to know that nearly 59% of the members of this forum believe in free speech. NJDan also outpolled Trump’s tally in the Twitter poll by 6%. https://www.reuters.com/technology/musks-twitter-poll-showing-narrow-majority-want-trump-reinstated-2022-11-20/ And Trump was, of course, reinstated. Unlike Trump, NJDan was never accused of leading an insurrection. He was not, as far as I can tell, ever even accused of violating TheMat.com’s terms of service. He doe seem to have hurt a few feelings or aroused opposition along the way, but doesn’t that come with the territory? So of course he should be reinstated. Ironically, it’s the media type on this forum who seem most hostile to free speech. Hard to fathom.
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