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  1. There is a mat replay..I can't remember which one that plays all the finals matches in a row if that helps at all? Not individual but you can click through to the matches you want. Looking for it now.
  2. Right with you. I still haven't found my answer about why everyone seems to pile on this poor guy (see what I did there?). He seems like a nice family man who just really loves discussing wrestling. I don't watch the solo videos because I would rather wait for the podcast to get a few different opinions, but his job is to create wrestling content for his company. Those videos are a quick and easy way to do it and get engagement. The wrestling community has a tendency to eat their own and we are far too small of a sport to put down anyone who in good faith is trying to grow it.
  3. For some reason im more confident with Alirez over Lee as opposed to Alirez over Yianni. Not just because of past results but I think Lee is more susceptible to his swing single to lace. Yianni has a little more "freestyle funk" that can get him out of sticky situations.
  4. "I don't always walk onto the wrestling mat, but when I do, I do a little summer sault into a jumpy first"
  5. Probably a good move on his part. PSU is so stacked I am not sure he would be able to crack the lineup consistently. Wherever he ends up, I wonder if that would bear any weight with where Bassett commits too?
  6. Im excited to see what braedon scoles can do as well.
  7. I think the worst part was him arguing and interrupting so much with Rock Harrison during semis. Rock would be attempting to explain rules and what the refs were looking for when there were coaches challenges and he would yell over him things like, "CMON ROCK, THAT'S NOT RIGHT" or "THAT'S NOT THE RULES". At one point Rock even said, "I'm just glad there arent any challenges". You could tell he was fed up.
  8. Oh that makes sense! Agreed! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. There is no way I was the first to say this. I am nowhere near that creative haha.
  10. These guys were all multiple time national champs. What do you mean?
  11. I was pulling for Daton, but I think Vito is too locked in this weekend. Ol' 2x4 for DDF
  12. It seems like everytime a big coaching job opens up, Cunningham's name is brought up and nothing comes of it. I just don't see him leaving PSU after all this time.
  13. At this point I think 125 participants can't be a part of this thread. No result would be an upset at this weight ha!
  14. Haha this is sweet! Going to like keeping tabs on how this gets filled out over the next couple days! Any prediction on possible victims or thieves for today/tomorrow?
  15. Just for fun.... 125 this year might not fit into this topic, but I thought it would be cool to put together a lineup of "gatekeepers" at each weight. Definition of a gatekeeper is a wrestler that if you can beat them, it puts you in the conversation of being an all american at that weight. Maybe not one of the top 8 guys currently, but someone that puts your name on the radar if you top. (Obviously there can be multiple at each weight, here is just a few based on my quick glances at intermat rankings) Some of these weights you might have to win two matches in a row against these type guys. 125 - Anyone in the top 15 could go 0-2 at the NCAA's or be an NCAA champion 133 - Latona 141 - Clay Carlson, Vince Cornella 149 - Maybe an good win over Abas? 5-6 point victory 157 - This one is interesting because you have Chittum, Brayton Lee, and Lewan at the 14, 15, 16 (intermat). Beat one of those guys decidedly and I think you are in the conversation...but I also think they are ranked very low currently 165 - Caleb Fish 174 - Major over Pasiuk would be a "good win" and turn some heads 184 - combo win over Feldcamp and Soldano and people are taking notice 197 - Poznanski + Stemmet + Mac Stout 285 - Hunter Catka?
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