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  1. who is this transfer that everyone seems to take for granted is coming to Tempe?
  2. You think Larkin is an AA out of the gate?
  3. I'm an ASU fan and I don't like this one bit.
  4. this is about transferring FROM Cornell to another school
  5. what was the tweet? he deleted it then tweeted something like "I wasn't talking out my teammates"
  6. in a world full of crushing bores and self consciously edgy nerds it's very refreshing to see that Suriano has grown up to be an genuine oddball. An honest to goodness eccentric. I'll take this every day over stuff like Ben Askren's dorm room libertarian nonsense or AB's god talk.
  7. I'm having trouble not believing that, all things being equal, Zahid is a better wrestler than Brooks.
  8. did you see his match against Yianni this morning? This dude may end up being a 4 timer dude he's truly great.
  9. Valenica at 184 is still a hole at 184
  10. maybe this means that Kaleb Larkin is a confirmed stud.
  11. possibly a dumb question but how do you transfer from a service academy? Aren't they locked into some type of commitment? I know they are post graduation but I think there is after enrollment as well? anyone know the details?
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