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Interviewed_at_Weehawken last won the day on May 17 2024

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  1. I was concerned about that! Seriously though, did anyone see this match? Had a lead and power bombed Bonnacorsi in the 3rd. Match went into OT, where Trumble lost. 7:25 ish
  2. Yes. I think it is the weight, and the more he makes it the tougher he gets. He makes it 2-3 days in a row and it takes a lot out of him. My Wolfpack has also been underperforming as a team at the NCAA tournament. I don't think it is the overseeding stuff with saw with Mizzou in the MAC. There might be some of that but NC state has been placing below guys they have beaten during the regular season, so there might be peaking issues... perhaps weight related.
  3. I mean, he has beaten Nico Bonnacorsi and blew a match against Nico via power bomb the year Nico won it.
  4. Good analysis. I'm sure his opponents will working on developing that ability, as much as it is capable of being developed in less than a year.
  5. Kerk is the heavy favorite, but it is definitely not a settled matter. Most expected a better performance out of Kerk at OTT. _Plenty expected him to be our rep. He wasn't close. It was also a surprise to see him forgo U23. Another thing to keep in mind with Kerk is his injury history and him currently wrestling without an ACL or two.
  6. My guess: he is pretty good at dodgeball as a four sport high school athlete.
  7. He did win a team award or two as a freshman. "Leadership award" for defense/special teams, if I am not mistaken.
  8. All that is true. I think he's also going to have a really difficult time understanding what is going on around him in the trenches. He likely thinks its going to be like playing Madden.
  9. When do scholarship limits disappear? Prob not yet determined? They are on the way out as of the latest court ruling.
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