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Threadkilla last won the day on June 5 2023

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  1. I'd put Nolf over smith at 157. He lost 2 matches in his career to Imar as a freshman and also pinned him. He Injury defaulted 2 matches his his junior year that was his 4 losses. Nolf also wrestled 9 more matches and had a better win and bonus % than Smith.
  2. I bet Alec Baldwin wishes he had that gun. I hope he is enjoying his Karma.
  3. Every time I seach something on Google, the first articles that show up are MSM bullshit, this is in spite of setting preferences to avoid CNN, NBC, MSNBC. CBS etc. So, I checked to see the MSM take on Trump at the UFC where he received a thunderous applause, the MSM was silent, not one CNN, NBC, MSNBC article showed up. just Fox and nore conservative media and local affiliates, The leftist media has been a clown show for decades, If people still get their news from Morning Joe, Maddow and company we will continue to have the vagina hatters and queers for Palestine, when Trump gets back in office Lord willing, I hope we go scorched earth on the propogandist ***duck**s. Journalistic Integrity used to be a thing and people would get fired for one lie. Today they act as though they are given a script and parrot the same phrases and talking points on each network.
  4. U20's Lilledall, Blaze, Bo, Duke, Ryder, Barr, Mirasola, Rademacher and Keuter won in 2 Barr and Lockett won in 3. Barr teched Sinclair in the third. Ryder swept Arnold. Keuter looked tough. Duke is a beast.
  5. Now do the actual one of Biden showering with his daughter Ashley.
  6. I looked up Onosato's bio, apparently he won the World Sumo games in Alabama in 2022. I didn't know Sumo was ever contested in the states.
  7. Again. your point? What does the 8th grade have to do with getting his family to the Olympics?
  8. I imagine you have a point in there somewhere? Right? Perhaps you should redo 8th grade.
  9. Did any of you people ever watch the RBY video? He came from a depressed area with a working class upbringing. Do you know his financial situation or that of his family? Do you know what he got from NIL? Somebody post his financials, then you can bitch. if you disagree or feel he could cover it. don't contribute.
  10. Even the illegals know Biden is a fuggup. Come across sayin, dude needs to close the border.
  11. A man who “illegally” entered the United States through the southern border warned in an interview that Americans should be “worried” about how wide open the border is under President Joe Biden. The Turkish man told Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin that he had to pay a Mexican drug cartel $10,000 to smuggle him into the U.S. “In fact, American people is right, completely true,” the man said. “Who comes into this country? They don’t know.” “Okay, I’m good, but how if they’re not good?” he asked as he motioned to other migrants who were with him. “How if they’re killers, psychopath, else? No guarantee of that. Like, no security, no security check, no background check.” He said that he was worried about who was crossing the border because there are many people who “are not normal.”
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