Every time I seach something on Google, the first articles that show up are MSM bullshit, this is in spite of setting preferences to avoid CNN, NBC, MSNBC. CBS etc. So, I checked to see the MSM take on Trump at the UFC where he received a thunderous applause, the MSM was silent, not one CNN, NBC, MSNBC article showed up. just Fox and nore conservative media and local affiliates, The leftist media has been a clown show for decades, If people still get their news from Morning Joe, Maddow and company we will continue to have the vagina hatters and queers for Palestine, when Trump gets back in office Lord willing, I hope we go scorched earth on the propogandist ***duck**s.
Journalistic Integrity used to be a thing and people would get fired for one lie.
Today they act as though they are given a script and parrot the same phrases and talking points on each network.