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  1. wish I still had my copy, lost somewhere along the way.
  2. Iirc correctly Shelton pinned him in dual his senior year but then LOU shut him down at NCAA. Banach bros were great and very entertaining.
  3. them Greenlee's from UNI always messing things up. The one glitch in Haselrig's 122 match run and the only loss for McCoy in 132 matches at heavyweight.
  4. here's my take. 197 version of Snyder, kinda depleted from the cut and a freshman vs senior year Cael up to 197 and eating well. I like Cael here.
  5. love that book and was at the dual, not recalling whether Gable was there or not right this sec but you might be right with the hip issues he was having he might not have traveled for that one.
  6. maybe? I think he might have also been trying to piss him off. Gable was great at figuring his guys out and pushing the right buttons.
  7. no love for Kerry McCoy? After a lackluster freshman year at 190, we went 131-1 at heavy, won 88 matches in a row, 1-3-1 at NCAAs, Hodge winner. Beat Neal in finals for his 2nd title (granted Neal was a soph). not sure he's top 5 just surprised I haven't seen his name other than on the Hodge winner list that was posted. or maybe I missed it. Dan Gable famously held out Wes Hand from wrestling McCoy in dual Hand's freshman year. Hand of course went on to be a finalist but at that point Gable said he hadn't earned the right to wrestle someone like McCoy. Of course, this was in a dual Iowa had locked up heading into the last match. PSU crowd was pissed.
  8. after seeing Jerry's Best's name on here, I kept thinking there was a good Ok St wrestler early 80s of that name but finally figured out I was thinking of Jerry Kelly.
  9. I really don't recall Steve Young being that big. Height yes, weight not so much.
  10. according to this article.... Only one surprise remains: OSU was the only major college wrestling power to recruit Sheets. At Tahlequah High, Sheets was 109-6-1, he won two state titles and he drew with current OSU star Kenny Monday, who won his other 140 high school bouts. Size doesn't stop Cowboy from being No. 1 (oklahoman.com)
  11. pretty sure Teyon Ware was an undefeated 4 timer in Oklahoma as well and he did pretty good in college too
  12. unfortunately, there have been many great wrestlers who had diminishing returns (going off NCAA tournament placings) over the course of their careers, as mentioned earlier very often due to injuries. Dustin Schlatter and Troy Letter are two that come to mind.
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