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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. https://www.themat.com/news/2023/december/14/seeds-released-for-all-three-disciplines-for-the-senior-nationals-in-fort-worth-texas-dec-15-17
  2. The expression "getting matches" is a high school thing, in my professional opinion - especially now that everyone is on their high horse preaching about how you shouldn't compete until you're 17. Once they get to college there aren't a lot of guys whose trajectory is going to change based on competitive mat time.
  3. This Michigan squad could get as high as second or as low as 15th. It all depends on peaking as well as injuries. DeAugustino - Depending on brackets, he could win it all. He majored the highest returning placer two weeks before Nationals last year. Cannon - Could place as high as 3rd. He beat Nagao and while Crookham looks promising, I am not sold (yet). Lemley - Could place. He could. True frosh, plenty of moxy, just needs his feet under him a bit more and that confidence could take him next level. I expect a match or two win at the least at NCAAs. Gomez - Could win it all. Lewan - He isn't beating Robb. Robb sonned him. He is the only one Lewan can't beat though. Peak of 2nd. Amine - He isn't beating O'Toole. That Carr match was closer than I thought it would be, though. Peak of 2nd. Griffith - He isn't beating Sta(l)rocci. Peak of 2nd. Bullock - He lost to 157lber Negron then rattled off a dozen wins at CKLV. He could AA. Not sure how high, though. Striggow - I would be happy to win a match at NCAAs here. Davison - I think he could still win it all. I am calling peak of 2nd, though. So if everyone peaks at their absolute best and no injuries, Michigan can still get 2nd. We could also be looking at as low as 2-3 low AA.
  4. They could just sweat out their waste in a gooey, semi-liquid sort of state. I don't know. I'm not an alien expert.
  5. Looks like Minnow is now getting his news from us, gents.
  6. He is 138 this year as a Soph. He likely projects as middleweight at the lowest... He could end up pulling a Truax and starting his true frosh season at 149 and ending at 165 then going 197 before his career is order. There isn't any chance he sees 125, hell... there is a very small chance he sees 133, come NCAA D1 wrestling.
  7. I don't think Carr would have it against Sta(l)rocci. At 174lbs he just doesn't match up well on any avenue. Sta(l)rocci is longer, stronger, bigger, better on top than Carr is on bottom, just as fast, and just as good neutral. O'Toole got physically handled against Carr in their first two matches. Unless O'Toole spent an entire offseason growing in to 174lbs (which he did not) I would not give him a fart's chance in a shit storm against Sta(l)rocci this year. I really want to see Trumble at Heavyweight next season. He is an entirely different wrestler when he wrestles 97 KG (213lbs) rather than 197lbs.
  8. Depending on their biology, they might not even have sphincters...
  9. He isn't even entered. He is referring to Blue Dragon's Jr's most recent Twatter post.
  10. Aliens, the weather... whether or not aliens effects affect the weather.
  11. He hit that bitch as he pulled his socks up, mate. The vape, not Picklo.
  12. Austin Gomez not Addams, Gomez.
  13. Well shit, gents. I am pretty upset today.
  14. There is an Austin Gomez in the student directory at Michigan now. Austin and Gomez are common names, though. That said, it wasn't there this past weekend.
  15. He hasn't quite reached there yet, bud. Being the owner and creator of the word, i.e. governing mind behind the description, I can say with direct authority that Pyle is simply a Turd. Bono is a Turdbiscuit.
  16. It is required reading that whenever Bono's name (Turdbiscuit be blessed) that someone of high moral fiber must remind folks that he is a Turdbiscuit. Bono is a Turdbiscuit.
  17. I think and hope it will be Michigan, still. I just don't see him in the student directory yet.
  18. I am even hearing smoke on the Penn State route that has me a little worried, myself.
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