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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Make the Ohio State one. I will fosho join.
  2. What questions do we have for the UofM lineup and how do we see them shaking out? - Beginning - Middle - End
  3. I created one. Can you approve it so I can play with it (please)?
  4. Can confirm. You brought out my true intentions, you little bugger.
  5. This deserves a pin, for sure. All very good, very handy information. Thank you.
  6. Ywyw It had a weird volume to it without you... J/s
  7. @TampaTigerbrought up a good idea: Team specific subforums within the college forum. We have a large following for basically each of the perpetual contenders. It might be handy to have, say UofM, Penn State, Iowa, OSU, tOSU, OSUw, Mizzou, etc subforums? I know the ACC gents tend to be superfans of all that is ACC? I, for one, would love a Michigan-ish one that I can kick my feet up in and talk smack. Hell we could call that one nhs67's nuances. Edit: Fans could post school specific results, recruits, news, etc.
  8. Welcome to thr partay @Spladle08... Not sure if I like the capital 'S' or not.
  9. This just in. All the Lamer's transfer to Mizzou so Brawley can be where he is supposed to be.
  10. Anyone else lolz at how close that is to Brock Mauller?
  11. Regardless of what the AD says, this looks bad on Bono. He should advocate for him.
  12. Didn't Forrest just lose at 120 the other day? I think Ramos wins relatively easy. Forest will be there in a year or two, though.
  13. Has he beaten someone on collegiate Folkstyle competition since the conclusion of NCAAs or did he consistently beat a bunch of the guys ranked above him during last years collegiate Folkstyle season? If the answer involves Freestyle victories over people lower ranked in Folkstyle or Freestype wins at all then there is your problem in understanding. Rankings are off actual results of the style specified for those rankings. Projections are predictions, not rankings. I would project, or predict, he is a R12-R16 kind of guy. That means I would not be surprised to see him in a lower podium spot, like his teammate Loew did at 184 last year. Cardenes earned himself a world ranking at 92 KG. I still would nit project him to make the team if I think guys like Hidlay, Brooks, Macchiavello, Moore, Dean or Jackson are also going to go 92 KG for WTT this year. That doesn't mean any of them should be ranked ahead of him, though They didn't earn it.
  14. What domestic results proves he shoupd even be Top 10 on our ladder? You can be butthurt if you want. I am asking for domestic results to prove that he is Top 10 for Seniors.
  15. This or Ole Boy Pendleton over in at OSUw.
  16. Folkstyle is not Freestyle. While he may beat a few guys that are currently ranked higher in Folkstyle in a Freestyle match, I don't think he is on the podium come NCAAs. If he is, then he wiail have to have taken a leap specifically in Folkstyle. I agree with this. When was the last time he wrestled seniors? Was it the Flo RTC Cup? Impossible to extrapolate because of time, however he has zero relevant domestic freestyle wins to say he will even be in the discussion as a favorite. I welcome being wrong. A better Cardenes means better USA Wrestling.
  17. I don't think Zahid goes up even if he is the favorite. He wants to beat DT to earn a bye to best of three finals for Oky-trials.
  18. How is it not the truth? How high has he placed at Seniors at any weight? It is me placing appropriate respect to other, more accomplished Seniors competitors.
  19. This was discussed a lot on the old forums and there were very few that typed as if they knew there was a window. Everyone aside fot myself, Dr. Phil, WKN, and maybe one or two others showed an understanding of this. If everyone in this thread was at the old hole in the wall as well, then you either took part in the discussion as if you weren't aware or you weren't part of the discussion, which means whether you admit it or not - the portal window is also new news to you as well. We, as Keyboard Warrior Fanboys (KWF) have more time to listen to podcasts or read articles or in some way have heard wind about it. Is it not conceivable that these full time student-athletes might not know the fine print as well? I doubt many coaches or schools are trying to show these guys how and when to appropriately transfer out. To the school they are lost revenue. To the coaches losing a kid's trust means you failed them somehow - deliberate or not. Admitting or allowing that might be seen as counterproductive to their end product. Hell, they might not even clearly know the rules themselves.
  20. Even with Teemer in, Lewan could have won it. He did beat Teemer at NCAAs last year. Is it preposterous that he could do it again?
  21. K.Moore needs to go down because he is the instant favorite to make the team if he does. Worlds medalists in non-Oly weights earn a bye to the semi-finals. Can't be a Worlds medalist unless you compete at Worlds. I mean no disrespect to Cardenes, but if he can beat the 2022 Worlds Bronze medalist at 92 KG then we have a dozen or so others, maybe dozens, that can from 86 KG to 97 KG . I hope I am correct in saying this: 92 KG is going yo be a US Men's Freestyle wet dream. Everyone who not named Zahid Valencia or J'Den Cox that is not a realistic 'contender' at 86 KG or 97 KG is going to do what they need to do to get a shot at that bye for 2024 Oly-trials. In Valencia's and Cox's minds they are the favorites not only over the WTT field, but over the incumbents as well. Anybody who doesn't also truly believe that should head to 92 KG and I think it is going to make it the juiciest non-Oly trials we have ever seen. The kind that makes you wish that from the QF on were Best of Three series. Probably even the R16 matches too.
  22. Novi High School, born in 1967. Display picture explains itself, yeah?
  23. He said something about it in an interview for the 2022 WTT, I just forget what it was.
  24. I expect him to. They met at the 2021 WTT in the QF. Moore took 2nd there and Hidlay took 3rd.
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