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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. To be honest, I didn't. I got an notification from it a few minutes ago saying that I had rewards that could be claimed, so I was looking and BLAMMO... Captain Morgan Black was a purchasable item.
  2. That is what makes it fun for the wifey later.
  3. Last year I believe we said that if someone doesn't make their pick in the allotted time, they lose it, right? Or did we allow them double picks on their next turn? I vaguely remember talking about it last year?
  4. Actually. Did you know that down here in Miami you can order liquor from the 7-11 app? I didn't realize that until just now. Also, they will send you up to three cooked pizzas too.
  5. The wine was gone at dinner. I said I messed up, man.
  6. I messed up. I started day drinking twelve hours ago and I let the neighbor kids run the golf cart dead the other day without charging it. I was going to uber me more booze, but I thought I would pace myself better. I was wrong. Now the wife has to deal with me getting KRUNK on her old/young lady crap. The shit is lethal.
  7. I don't think it matters who gets the first pick, Spencer is the first off the board, right?
  8. Re-searching means that you are searching again. I just found the eight guys that mattered to me. Will have to rando-select the other three. Also, I am out of cheesecake and rum and now I must drink seltzer...
  9. That is actually pretty cool. I submit.
  10. You are actually ***duck duck goose** with us now, right?
  11. @lu_alum, you are doing the rando-sort right at 9:30 PM - US Eastern, or is what we see what we get?
  12. Why is your avatar that? Can you make it right for us before the draft? Please?
  13. Well shit. I already committed to drinking sixteen pints in honour of his trip to jolly ole LONDON. Twelve turkey legs, three White Sturgeon - whole, 46 bags of chips, 16 bottles of rum - unknown volume, and two keggers of cheesecake later and I am ready to tell you gents that not one of you turdbiscuits better pick Jack Medley before me. I will be highly sad.
  14. Let's do 15. Next year when Vak isn't somewhere that is ~3 AM local time perhaps we can look at other pool sizes. He is in London.
  15. It would be cool as fukc if @Jon_Kozak joined us, yeah?
  16. Dean at 197. Isn't he an Ivy Leaguer?
  17. Sweet. We got all fifteen. If Perry pays we can throw that extra $20 towards the winner, or 3rd @VakAttack - dealer's choice.
  18. As a disclaimer, I did pay double. If you want in but ether cannot pay or cannot figure out how to just say so. Let @VakAttackand @lu_alum know. The caveat is that if you do win, your proceeds must go to a wrestling RTC or other charity of your choice. If nobody picks the option up, it goes in to the winners pot and all is forgotten.
  19. I mean... Sparks mentioned it in the reveal show then the instant reaction FRL also mentioned it, to be fair. I don't honestly think Griffin loses a 3rd time to him. He is just too damn good and always goes lights out at natties. He is also probably the 3rd best peak performer, at worst, in the bracket.
  20. It is 8:01 PM - US Eastern. I don't have brackets. Fail.
  21. Wyatt Sheets pulled an AA off ofnit.
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