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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Well, if you round - here is what you get. Penn State - 2 Iowa - 1 Cornell - 1 Pittsburgh - 1 Iowa State - 1 Michigan - 1 Nebraska - 1 Northern Iowa - 1 North Carolina - 1 Using LOGIX this is what we get. 125 - Spencer Lee, Iowa 133 - Roman Bravo-Young, Penn State 141 - Cole Matthews - Pittsburgh 149 - Johnny Diakomihalis, Cornell 157 - Austin O'Connor, North Carolina 165 - David Carr, Iowa State 174 - Mikey Labriola, Nebraska 184 - Parker Keckeisen, Northern Iowa 197 - Max Dean, Penn State 285 - Mason Parris, Michigan If I did an over/under of 3.5 for this being accurate I would go the under.
  2. Whatever it was ended up being a three month suspension that he has already served. Must have better lawyers than OSU.
  3. Also, it is okay to be wrong. In this case you were. That is fine. You ignorantly (ignorance literally means you didn't know better, not that you are stoopid) used a terminology that is often misused - especially on here. Also, I am trying to do better and grow. <- See 'keggers' Also, also recency bias is allowed to be accurate and true. Also, also, also, just spit in my mouth and pay for the room already. Please. This pregame shit is for the birds.
  4. Then you are using the term 'tongue in cheek' improperly as it's meaning is something along the lines of 'Ironic in an insincere way.' Since you obviously did not know that, then you are simply being argumentative in an ignorant way. Rather smart fellar once said 'Ignorance is the root of misfortunate.' He was correct in this instance.
  5. The irony is that you aren't really being ironic or insincere about it.
  6. @Jerry Callo You have the floor to select a new 133lber - I do believe.
  7. I think these guys match up very well with their respective and potential '2' seed opponents in their quarters.
  8. 125 - Medley, University of Michigan 133 - Ragusin, University of Michigan 141 - Mattin, University of Michigan 149 - Lamer, University of Michigan or Lovett, Central Michigan 157 - Lewan, University of Michigan or Saldate, Michigan State or Munson, Central Michigan 165 - Amine, University of Michigan 174 - ThugMassa G, University of Michigan 184 - Finesilver, University of Michigan or Malczewski, Michigan State 197 - Dean, Penn State (Lowell HS) or Caffey, Michigan State or Davison, Northwestern 285 - Parris, University of Michigan
  9. Why? He now has a guy who beat him during this actual season or a guy who decked him a few years ago. The Gomez that lost to Rooks at B1Gs would have been a very easy match for Sasso. That is even if Gomez won his first match, which was not a guarantee.
  10. Sasso going from possibly Gomez in R2 to Realbuto or Moore in R2...
  11. If this were just for fun I might be okay with being a ponce about it... that said, being that there was a massive buy-in I think he should be allowed to pick.
  12. Guys, I don't think this JC is the same as the last JC. This ***my mother would not approve*** has a sense of humor.
  13. I believe it was said that 'We draft the guys, not the position' or something along those lines. The gents who picked Cardinale or any other guy who has missed significant time this year knew there were risks, right? That said, I am okay letting him pick from the pool at 133.
  14. Honestly my thinking is that if he is going to take it with the approach that Olympic Gold is most important, then he absolutely should remain within sensible striking distance. That makes me think that if Lewis were to take thr mentality of heading to 86 KG immediately after that he will have too much horsepower for Starocci. If that becomes the reality of it, then Starocci will have to go to last chance qualifiers the week before OTT and make 74 KG two weekends in a row. I don't like it.
  15. I mean, they have a pipeline there and AJ is using his last year of eligibility this year. Not even a hunch as much as it is wishful thinking.
  16. Go to ~5:00 minutes in for the actual words from Starocci's mouth... https://www.flowrestling.org/people/5933899-jordan-burroughs/video?playing=8046581
  17. Starocci has already 'made it clear' he us going 74 KG for OTT and 174lbs next season. I do agree with you on what would appear to be the more physically healthy option.
  18. We did see a preview of Starocci at 86 KG already before. He wasn't able to utilize a length advantage and did not have a strength advantage either when he went 0-2 st the 86 KG OTT. He lost to Bo Nickal (6-1) and Myles Martin (5-2). The same Myles Martin that controlled Starocci in his 5-2 win was very much controlled a few months later by Hidlay via 9-5 decision. Freestyle and Folkstyle are different in many ways, however they both exist with weight classes as a determining and separating criteria. Weight class exist for a reason.
  19. All a nonfactor either way as Starocci has already stated he will be going 174lbs next season as well.
  20. PK and Hidlay would absolutely manhandle a Starocci that is managing his weight to make 74 KG while wrestling 184lbs. Hidlay is a full-sized 86 KG (189lber). PK isn't as thick, but is a little longer. For Starocci to be within a manageable distance of 74 KG (163lbs) he will need to be keeping it on the lighter side of things to even maintain 174lbs. Fortunately for him, I anticipate Lewis to be doing the same thing. If Lewis decides he isn't going to go for 74 KG glory as well and he stays a full 174lbs, Starocci is going to have a tough time with him, too.
  21. I think their 125/133 will be some combination of incoming frosh Braeden Davis, Robbie Howard, Baylor Shunk, Gary Steen, or David Evans. My honest preference would actually be for Beau Bartlett to make the drop to 133, but that also leaves a large hole at 141 too. I am not sold on Howard being up to snuff at either 125 or 133. We haven't seen him healthy since mid-high school so it is hard to say. At 197 I think Brooks should go up. Then they have a few options at 184. Donavan Ball, Lucas Cochran, or incoming true frosh Josh Barr. Starocci has already said his intention is to go 74 KG for OTT right after 2024 NCAAs so 184 is not an option for him. That leaves us with what I think is our most likely lineup, with thr caveat that both Howard and Brooks likely get to choose their weight 125 - Howard, Steen/Shunk 133 - Howard, Evans/Shunk 141 - Bartlett 149 - Van Ness 157 - Bearclaw/Lee/Lee (Haines redshirt to grow in to 165/174) 165 - Facundo (I believe Haines and Facundo are the 165/174 guys after 2024) 174 - Starocci 184 - Brooks, Ball/Chochran 197 - Brooks, Chochran/Ball 285 - Kerkvliet I think we might see Seth Nevills transfer out to SDSU for his final year(s - he could have two left if he chose). Just a hunch. Add in the additional caveats that if Davis, Kasak, and Barr will be given the Haines treatment with ample opportunity to prove that they deserve a shot at 125/133, 157, and 184 as well. In the case of Barr it relies heavily(entirely) on Brooks going 197. In the case of Kasak it relies heavily on Haines redshirtting.
  22. If Fix was the one who needed the ubler secretos 17lbs he should have just gonr 141(149?).
  23. Parris was one point away from bonus on Hendrickson last time, so...
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