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Everything posted by ClawRidesAgain

  1. I have complete and total respect for this man.
  2. Was just saying to my wife they weren’t calling much stalling. Then they hit Pinto with a terrible call.
  3. I think if Bouz had looked busier, he could have drawn a stall call on Fix. That half decade plus experience was the difference.
  4. My daughter and her husband were going to go watch PA states in person this year. The tickets were $80 for the pair plus parking. I believe they said tickets were only available online, and each had a $14 "fee" on it. You know, I miss the old barn and reasonably-priced tickets at the gate. Plus, the finals were spotlighted. Ah, the good old days.
  5. 103 - Mike Kahn, Harrisburg, PA https://www.pennlive.com/highschoolsports/wrestling/2021/05/harrisburgs-mike-khan-remembered-as-a-champion-a-trend-setter-and-a-larger-than-life-wrestler-who-insisted-on-winning.html
  6. Lewan is like intermission, but with team points for it.
  7. At some point, you need to move on with adult life, go the senior route, and allow age-appropriate college kids to wrestle in the limelight. Just my opinion.
  8. It’s point inflation just like 4 point near falls. Just my opinion. I am old.
  9. Iowa State coaching staff today. Wow.
  10. The USSR wanted to beat Gable in the worst way. He was smoking all of their guys. Here is some insight on that. https://www.nytimes.com/1972/03/19/archives/soviet-is-looking-for-wrestler-to-halt-dan-gable-us-star.html
  11. Nobody even scored a point against Gable during the '72 Olympics in Munich. I got to meet a couple of guys from that team over the next couple of years, Gable, Peterson brothers, Chris Taylor. I met Chris at Russ Houk's Wrestling Camp. Anyone remember that? The race around the lake? Back then, it was really special to be able to see and meet big time wrestlers. We did not travel like we do now, and the information was far more limited.
  12. Looks like Flo is telling people to "reach out about your account" for any possibiluty of a refund. Now, you can have the added frustration of trying to chase after refunds after experiencing outages. Everyone feel better?
  13. Consistently subpar streaming. Almost without fail, I miss part of major events.
  14. Someone mentions Trump. Liberals: (insert meme of Spencer's mom destroying her glasses).
  15. True story. A lady sitting next to my wife and me at a tournament years ago confided to us that the first wrestling tournament she ever went to had green and red ankle bands, and she thought they were for Christmas.
  16. I hear people rave about him. I don’t really care for the guy. Seems to be in the matches too much at times. He’s been pretty good with starts tonight, but sometimes, it seems like he is the problem. Just my opinion.
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