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Everything posted by Pinnacle

  1. Iowa should start to utter "PROCESS - NOT RESULT" over and over again like the energizer bunny. They should then sign up for a seminar in State College to learn how to actually implement it.
  2. I noticed. I was hoping to get the ultra quick edit to avoid detection!
  3. Kasak wins by MAJOR over Lovett. Cael is just gaslighting Manning now. Nebraska coach needs to hold a full FBI Investigation into this skullduggery.
  4. Kasak got a TD on Lovett. Now a reversal or esc. Manning already with the Brick toss at PSU.
  5. I have to remind myself to never click on chickbait clickbait. She spelled losing as "loosing". Destined to head to Pitt.
  6. Hopefully I can improve on my .500 record in the Big10 finals. 125 I took Ayala to start this event, but Richie Figs is on a mission. 133 Don Vito Corleone 141 Bartlett somehow gets this done 149 Gomez over a very tough Caleb Henson 157 I just re watched last nite's semis and Andonian hit a double on Haines that surprised me. Teemer can hit that double even quicker. This has Bubba Jenkins vs David Taylor written all over it. Aye yi yi yi yi. 165 Both guys will get takedowns. Whichever guy has the most 3rd period gas tank wins. 174 Hopefully no one noticed my chicken chit failure to actually pick winners the last two weights. I pick Starocci here. He is on 1.5 legs and has no real push off power where he needs it, but he just took out two former champs. He's the man until proven otherwise. 184 Gotta go Keckeisen 197 Hidlay will dance the boundary for 7 minutes and Brooks will still get him. Hwt Greg Kerkvliet has too much fire power. Only way he loses is if he is mentally not set, but if he is he will dominate
  7. "I can wrestle forever" Tonight vs David Carr should be a treat. 7 minutes or more of pace.
  8. Didn't a Minnesota wrestler lose first round and wrestle back for 3rd place several years ago. Maybe a McKee or Ness.
  9. Give me a gazillion votes for Vito tonight. I am tired of watching refs bend over backwards for all the bricks John Smith throws on behalf of Daton Fix.
  10. Not sure who your school is, but talent is aggregating across the board these days in both recruiting and the transfer portal. Gone are the days where there are enough numbers of all Americans at small schools as in the old days. It is not just talent that separates Penn State, it is obviously more than that.
  11. If seeds hold they win by more than 90 points. Crazy. Manning will call a congressional investigation on Cael.
  12. Well, they finally called it and then they took it away. The pin that got wiped out. Army pins a guy like Mehki and it gets stonewashed.
  13. Somehow I feel this thread is targeted for a certain poster.
  14. 149 thru 165 will be fire. A lot of other matches will be tactical.
  15. ASU did not send Schultz out that one time if I remember correct
  16. Schultz got two unearned re starts and kerk still rides
  17. Hidlay will spend a lot of time straddling the boundary vs Brooks. His only chance is via the "Lewan" route.
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