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Pinnacle last won the day on February 2 2024

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NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. Penn State has 4 wrestlers either on their roster or incoming that have beaten LaDarion Lockett. PJ Duke, plus Sealey, Henckel and Messenbrink have also beaten him.
  2. Blaze has the best wins imo, but looks to me like he would wrestle up a weight class or two in college. Lots of room for him to fill out. Duke destroyed a tough bracket full of guys to make the U20 team.
  3. Noted above on Starocci freestyle. What you state about Davis makes my point. It isn't like he is a big cutter.
  4. Your post count mak3es this question funny. Who is sensitive?
  5. I can't edit that post. Note taken, his injury made his desire for 74Kg impossible. That was his original intention.
  6. I hear them talk about cutting weight, but nothing more than others wrestlers who talk about cutting weight. They do get interviewed more.
  7. Its true some wrestlers with large cuts have success and I am not arguing that. I just cant carve Penn State out like they are some sort of outlier which is nonsense.
  8. The PSU msg board has elevated you to Chief Conspiracy Theorist and this kind of stuff is why.
  9. Let's go one at a time here. 125 PSU tried Steen. Did not work out. They tried Robert Howard who appeared to still be suffering from past shoulder problems. Did not work out. Insert Davis and he ends up over performing at the weight. And before you say he was a 133 in high school, so what? Didn't Drake Ayala just compete at about 125 this past weekend. Maybe Iowa cuts at a high level too? 157 Haines NCAA Champ. Seems like the right call. Maybe he could have gone 165 and Messenbrink 157, but so what? Seems like both wrestled well at their weights. 174 Starocci. 4x Champ. Won on one leg, then went and wrestled 74 Kg at Trials.
  10. So "information coming out of state college" now is bonafide "facts". I thought it was de facto rumor mill, regardless of how big any wrestler appears to be.
  11. High level of weight cutting at Penn State? Not from what I can tell. Keep in mind what we are talking about here, a record setting squad where the only two guys who started for them this year who ever had wrestled at a higher weight were Beau Bartlett and Bernie Truax. Bartlett spent time as a pudgy 149 and is now an NCAA finalist at 141 and Bernie Truax who while he wrestled one year at 197, he also wrestled at 149, 165, 174 and 184 where he competed at Penn State.
  12. If Franklin isn't fired it's because they don't want to eat his outrageously huge contract. Glad the jury saw this the right way. Team physicians are obviously more capable in determining injuries, but they are also impartial. Coaches are mostly neither.
  13. It can easily snow in State College in November.
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