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Scouts Honor

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Scouts Honor last won the day on June 5 2024

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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. in 1939, there was this country. they ran raids into neighboring countries. they shot rockets at countries. they kidnapped and murdered their own citizens and people from other countries. they were obliterated and occupied for the better part of 45 years. sounds familiar.
  2. it's crazy, but we really are in trouble trump has already been convicted. Yet no one on epsteins list has been
  3. the DA ran his campaign on the Idea of going after trump
  4. all one has to do is look at the prosecutor and the judge to decide if they are politically motivated
  5. and yoiu continue to ignore the point about isreal trying to minimize civilian casualties
  6. a house is not a civilian house if it is being used as a base or safe harbor for soldiers/terrorists
  7. wait, so now you at least admit you were wrong the white phosphorous is not a war crime
  8. humans in civilian settings... i like how you leave out things to defend hamas
  9. tell me who they view as a friend? or i mean.. someone they can use...
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