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  1. Sasso is not coming back.
  2. Lemley didn’t pass skin check. Didn’t have another 133 or 141 to weigh in.
  3. 174 - #30 Rocco Welsh tOSU over #11 Max Maylor Wisconsin 7-2
  4. Not a single starter on the mat for Columbia thus far. Ridiculous.
  5. Sorry, I couldn’t use crayons and pictures for you. We’re talking Hoffman. He likely wasn’t beating Geog and he knew it. You’re correct about his best chance to AA is at 184. I think it’ll be tough for OSU to AA at 197 regardless of who’s wrestling.
  6. Do you think he decided to drop to 184, a weight he hasn’t wrestled in ages, because he thought he could win the 197 spot?
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