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State Placer (7/14)

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  1. This coverage is terrible. The announcer is horrific
  2. I think 300k-500k is way off. It would probably be more like 600k-1 million if I had to guess.
  3. I love Rock Harrison and Shane Sparks. They are both awesome in my opinions. DC is great though. Really good addition
  4. I do a big pool and it’s possible that someone has the exact same lineup as me. I’d like to do a little one with people here (I know it’s a little last minute).
  5. So you think it's okay that he openly bashed another religion on national TV? That doesn't sound like a very Christian thing to do. Seems like the opposite of what a good Christian would do/say. Very sanctimonious attitude. But beyond all that, I tend to believe in things when there is evidence. It blows my mind that people believe this stuff with no actual evidence. It's unfathomable to me.
  6. I don't like the hypocrisy. If the roles were reversed and a Muslim wrestler said Jesus was a false prophet, all the same people praising Brooks for speaking out would be up in arms and freaking out. They want to pretend it's the "woke" people trying to shut people up. In reality they just like it because it aligns with their beliefs, not because they believe in free speech. Also, how big does your ego have to be to think that God is personally invested in your wrestling success? It's such a ludicrous thing to think. I find it unfathomable that people believe stuff like this.
  7. What about when Aaron Brooks said Mohammad was a false prophet on national TV last year?
  8. 125 Ramos 133 Crookham 141 Mendez 149 Lovett 157 Shapiro 165 KOT 174 Lewis 184 Parker 197 Brooks 285 Yonger
  9. You most certainly do. I don't smoke weed due to it being federally illegal and me not being able to because of my job. And that is insanely stupid
  10. That because you smoke weed you will have lose all your ambition. That is not true and as I said, millions of humans all over the world smoke weed and are productive members of society. He didn't say that he knew stoners in high school. He said that the stoners that he personally knew did not want to better themselves or society. And implied that is true of most stoners. That kind of mindset is based off propaganda and further perpetuates the idea that using marijuana is incredibly dangerous. I can't believe I have to explain this to people in the year 2024.
  11. I don't have Big Ten Network so it's the best I can do unfortunately
  12. Ryan Morningstar and Telford are not good assistants. They are far from technical wizards. That certainly isn't helping them. I can't understand that at all.
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