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  1. Mike, yes the beer is dirt cheap! Not that Bud isn't here... mspart, yes it's truly beyond belief that the central bank which used to be autonomous, independent of any party, finally has come under the control of this one man regime. Pure lunacy, the way he has consistently slashed interest rates despite staggeringly high inflation. Turks will get rid of him soon. The worlds can be anywhere really. Without Russia, it doesn't feel right anyway. I feel bad for Sadulaev, Vlasov, Musaev etc...none of them ethnically Russian. And the "Russian" wrestlers as well.
  2. I'm biased, not against Serbs, but for Istanbul as I'm of Turkish descent. Belgrade is still recovering from the oppressive Soviet era. Sure, Istanbul one might say is the same under Erdogan, but it truly has a unique personality. A thug can't change the vibrant culture of a deeply established modern yet historic and ancient metropolis, it was and still is futile. What was the criteria to pick Belgrade over Istanbul? A bigger more sophisticated city and a more passionate wrestling fanbase? Yeah I guess...
  3. They joined the Azerbaijan-Turkey forum on the matters.com
  4. I remember you. You came hard on me for drinking beer because my ancestry is of Turkic origin, ha ha. On FB. You're not Russian, but Chechen I think. Shariah law is just not cool my friend.
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