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State Qualifier

State Qualifier (6/14)

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  1. Dying of Boredom...worst Sports Production I have ever seen, free or not. Awful...
  2. Sealey took 3 losses in the offseason, 2 to non-elite guys and Angelo just destroyed him at WNO. Anyone not ranking Angelo #1 is disingenuous IMO. I would go Angelo, Davino, Hopke. Lilledahl would have been in the running for #1 or #2 except for his recent struggles. You could argue he still belongs up there as I think both his recent losses were in freestyle but he didn't look good in either match to me.
  3. He definitely test the line. I remember at NCAA's when a ref told him to "get off the neck." They are aware...
  4. Still 2 1/2 weeks to sign up. I believe deadline is April 23
  5. Was somebody streaming this match? Can't find it on Flo
  6. Guessing Jesse Mendez will if he can. Most likely gonna RS next year anyways so might as well use an Olympic RS if he has it. He finished 3rd at the US Open last year while in HS so finishing 8th this year is certainly possible. He also nearly teched Seth Gross at WTT.
  7. Amine always seems to lose some early season head scratchers and then does well come Tourney time. For instance he also lost to Bryce Hepner who is a backup at tOSU.
  8. I remember him teching Vito in freestyle. Match should still be up on Flo.
  9. I think the thought is Kilkeary is not a sure thing although he has looked much better recently.
  10. Heard Davino is favoring tOSU but from an Ohio State source
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